Partidazo en Cardiff y Bale Sueña con Llevar a Gales al Mundial // Cardiff match and Bale dreams of taking Wales to the World Cup
Gales Vs Austria 2-1
[Versión En Español]
El camino a Qatar se acorta con el pasar de los días, ya varias selecciones tienen su boleto asegurado a la gran cita mundialista, por otro lado, otro grupo de selecciones se disputan los últimos partidos o repechajes para estar presente en el torneo que todos desean competir, que las naciones sueñan con levantar el trofeo más prestigioso del futbol, el mundial. En esta oportunidad deseo analizar para toda la comunidad uno de esos partidos de repechaje, un partido único y sin revancha, por lo que significa seguir adelante o quedarse en el camino. Gales Vs Austria.
La ciudad de Cardiff se iluminaba ante el gran partido entre su selección y el equipo de Austria, un partido que desde la pizarra era uno de los más equilibrados hombres por hombre en comparación a otros encuentros el día de hoy, con disposiciones taticas diferentes, pero donde se impone la calidad y el talento, algo que puede sobreponerse a cualquier estrategia planteada antes del partido.
En este partido observamos un claro 4-4-1-1 por parte de los austriacos, donde destacamos el nombre de Alaba y Sabitzer que son los probablemente más conocidos, este esquema táctico dependía excesivamente de estos dos jugadores, si bien Alaba jugaba como lateral izquierdo, por momentos se convertía en el organizador del equipo, teniendo más responsabilidad en ese sentido que los otros jugadores del medio campo como Seiwald o Schlager, jugadores en el centro del campo que si bien organizaban el sector medular, Alaba era el referente en cuanto a las salidas por banda izquierda.
El trabajo más duro lo tendría el único delantero en gran parte del encuentro, Arnautović que debía forcejear con los centrales una gran presencia de mediocampistas de Gales. Este tipo de esquemas invitan a abrir el campo de juego y centrar al centro delantero que con una altura de 1.92 metros podía suponer una amenaza con los balones aéreos.
Esta selección por su parte sale al campo de juego con un 3-5-2 sin un delantero referente como en Austria, siendo D. James y Gareth Bale los hombres más adelantados, este es un esquema donde se busca inundar el mediocampo con jugadores, tener el dominio de esta zona y provocando sorpresa de jugadores que se agreguen al ataque en momentos determinados. Un aspecto básico para lograr la efectividad de este tipo de esquemas es el buen manejo del balón de sus mediocampistas centrales, donde se coloca el buen jugador Joe Allen y Ramsey, jugadores con mucha experiencia y muy buen pie, tanto Allen para el retroceso y salida del equipo como Ramsey para esas incursiones y pases a los atacantes.
El Comienzo del Partido
Debo decir que la atmosfera en Cardiff era espectacular, ese sentimiento de los fanáticos cantando el himno sobrepasaba la pantalla y lograba paparse esa pasión y esa ilusión de los galeses por ir a la copa del mundo, debo decir que por momentos sentía envidia de ese momento, un estadio repleto a un solo sentir de apoyo a su selección en un momento tan importante para la historia de este deporte para ese país, algo realmente impresionante.
El partido comienza con un ritmo vertiginoso, donde el planteamiento táctico previo era sobrepuesto por la intensidad de los jugadores por dominar los primeros minutos, fueron 6 o 7 minutos con un ritmo impresionante y con varios tiros al arco, incluso un fallo bastante importante por parte de Austria a los pies de Baumgartner, luego de este acontecimiento el ritmo comienza a bajar para dar paso a la estrategia, como cuando en un juego de ajedrez se van fortaleciendo las defensas y estudiando al oponente.
El primer tiempo logra ser parejo, pero me ha gustado mucho más la estrategia planteada por Gales, debido a que gran parte de las ocasiones en que Austria tenía el balón no podía concretar las jugadas de peligro más allá del fallo de Baumgartner anteriormente mencionado, un jugador que casi ni se nombró fue Joe Allen, pero este jugador de baja estatura y que aparentemente no aparece es una pieza clave en la estrategia de este equipo, siendo el mediocampista con más retroceso organizaba la salida del equipo, siendo el apoyo de los centrales y el conductor de ese importante primer pase de salida.
Hoyo en Uno
El partido estaba parejo, cualquier error podía sentenciar el encuentro, una falta cerca del área se convirtió en la oportunidad perfecta de observar una obra de arte, un gol maravilloso que puede ser enmarcado en la pared. Gareth Bale es un jugador magnifico y lo ha demostrado en muchas ocasiones, pero con Gales es un jugador que sobresale, que es determinante y que le otorga las esperanzas a esta nación para llevarlos a un mundial.
El golpeo del balón es perfecto, le otorga potencia y dirección, pero lo más difícil es hacer que el balón caiga manteniendo la fuerza en el trayecto, el balón cae súbitamente para clavarse en el ángulo ante la mirada de impotencia del guardameta austriaco, un gol para aplaudir de pie y para verlo una y otra vez.
Bale es un jugador polémico, sobre todo con esas apariciones donde menciona Gales, Golf, Madrid, en ese orden, dando a entender que el equipo de la capital española es lo ultimo en importancia. Es un jugador que tenia mucho tiempo si sentir los 90 minutos de un partido, pero que pudo ser determinante aun con esa falta de ritmo, si le sumamos sus 32 años, es un motivo suficiente para que el entrenador le deje fuera de la competición, sin embargo, Bale demuestra que es un jugador distinto que aun cuenta con un físico que puede soportar la exigencia de la alta competición y que mentalmente puede asumir este tipo de retos, una maravilla que pocas veces vemos en el futbol.
El segundo gol del galés es menos espectacular, pero con una muy buena resolución, un excelente olfato goleador por parte de Bale que le hace aprovecharse de los movimientos de los jugadores en el área y crear el mismo la ocasión de peligro que pudo aprovechar a la perfección.
¿Cuáles Fueron Los Fallos de Austria?
Desde mi perspectiva la falencia principal del equipo fue la inseguridad que tenían sus mediocampistas mixtos y los defensas, otorgando varias oportunidades al rival tras errores importantes, sin embargo, para el esquema táctico de Austria Sabitzer era uno de los nombres más importantes, este jugador se convertía en el organizador del ataque, decidiendo en abrir las bandas o dar ese ultimo pase al delantero centro, pero pasó desapercibido en gran parte del encuentro, por momentos buscaba el balón pero de manera infructuosa, fue muy bien contenido por el mediocampo de Gales, el rendimiento de este jugador repercutió en demasía en esa sensación que ofrecía el ataque en los ¾ de cancha.
Otro punto negativo a mi juicio fueron los movimientos de Arnautović, el único delantero de Austria. Ante la imposibilidad de ser surtido de balones el delantero debe bajar para ayudar a crear circuitos de pases para el equipo, este jugador realizaba buenos movimientos de apoyo pero posteriormente no se incluía rápidamente al ataque, al ser el delantero con el físico más potente debía ofrecerse como la principal opción de pase en el centro del área, sin embargo, sus movimientos fueron lentos en ese sentido, por momentos los laterales o extremos no sabían si lanzar el centro y cuando lo lograban hacer Arnautović se encontraba en una posición desfavorable y el peligro se consumía.
Debido a esos lentos movimientos del delantero, los ataques con más peligro de Austria vinieron por el centro del campo con pases rápidos, así logra Sabitzer un gol donde también la fortuna tubo mucho que ver. El técnico de la selección austriaca coloca a Kalajdžić, otro delantero con más altura (2 m) para intentar bombardear el área de Gales en sus últimos intentos por empatar el partido, sin embargo, sus intentos fueron infructuosos, ambos delanteros no lograron posicionarse adecuadamente para crear mayor peligro por lo cual Gales se lleva la victoria en la pizarra táctica y en el terreno de juego.
Un Buen Planteamiento de Gales
Me parece que Gales le gana a Austria desde el punto de vista táctico, logrando crear varias situaciones con mucho peligro al arco rival y conteniendo jugadores claves como Sabitzer y Arnautović, siendo un encuentro donde se sobreexplotaba al jugador Alaba para acercar al equipo al área contraria.
Mi Podio de Jugadores
Gareth Bale:
El artista que logra plasmar una obra de arte en este partido, un golazo de tiro libre. Si bien este jugador no toco tantos balones fue efectivo cuando tuvo la oportunidad de marcar, además, observamos que con su corrida puede dejar atrás fácilmente a los rivales, un potente disparo de pierna zurda y buenos movimientos en el área. Dicho esto, es necesario recordar que el jugador no tiene ritmo de partidos por lo cual este nivel de competencia es una exigencia mayor para su cuerpo y para su mente, algo que parece no afectarle mucho, por lo cual a mi parecer es admirable en cuanto a su rendimiento.
Jugador con gran despliegue, siendo fundamental en el medio campo, incorporándose al ataque de manera sorpresiva, algo que en este esquema táctico sin un delantero de referencia era necesario, buena participación y dominio del medio campo, jugador con experiencia y con buenas habilidades.
Neco Williams:
Jugador habilidoso que logró explotar su habilidad y velocidad por las bandas, creando ocasiones muy peligrosas ante los errores rivales, un jugador a tener en cuenta para el futuro.
Otro jugador silencioso es Joe Allen que se convierte en el eje del mediocampo y que realmente hiso un buen trabajo.
Un partido reñido, pero donde el balón parado fue fundamental en el resultado de este encuentro, la habilidad superó al planteamiento estratégico del partido, dándonos buenas sensaciones sobre esta selección que quizás veremos en Qatar. Un partido definitivamente muy interesante y bastante emocionante.
Gracias por tu lectura, hasta la próxima
Wales Vs Austria 2-1
[English Version]
The road to Qatar is shortening as the days go by, several teams have already secured their ticket to the world cup, on the other hand, another group of teams are playing the last matches or playoffs to be present in the tournament that everyone wants to compete, that nations dream of lifting the most prestigious trophy in soccer, the world cup. In this opportunity I want to analyze for the whole community one of those playoff matches, a unique match and without revenge, for what it means to go ahead or stay on the way. Wales vs Austria.
The city of Cardiff was illuminated before the great match between its national team and the Austrian team, a match that from the slate was one of the most balanced man for man in comparison to other matches today, with different tactical dispositions, but where quality and talent prevail, something that can overcome any strategy planned before the match.
In this match we observed a clear 4-4-1-1 by the Austrians, where we highlight the name of Alaba and Sabitzer who are probably the best known, this tactical scheme depended excessively on these two players, although Alaba played as left back, at times he became the organizer of the team, having more responsibility in that sense than the other players in midfield as Seiwald or Schlager, players in midfield that although they organized the midfield sector, Alaba was the reference in terms of the outputs on the left flank.
The hardest work would be done by the lone striker for much of the game, Arnautović, who had to fight with the central defenders a large presence of Welsh midfielders. This kind of schemes invite to open the field of play and center the center forward who with a height of 1.92 meters could pose a threat with aerial balls.
This national team comes out to the field with a 3-5-2 without a reference striker as in Austria, being D. James and Gareth Bale the most advanced men, this is a scheme where they seek to flood the midfield with players, having the control of this area and provoking surprise from players who add to the attack at certain times. A basic aspect to achieve the effectiveness of this type of scheme is the good ball handling of their central midfielders, where the good player Joe Allen and Ramsey are placed, players with a lot of experience and very good feet, both Allen for the retreat and exit of the team and Ramsey for those incursions and passes to the attackers.
The Start of the Match
I must say that the atmosphere in Cardiff was spectacular, the feeling of the fans singing the anthem surpassed the screen and managed to show the passion and illusion of the Welsh to go to the World Cup, I must say that at times I felt envious of that moment, a stadium full of support for their national team in such an important moment for the history of this sport for that country, something really impressive.
The match began with a dizzying pace, where the previous tactical approach was overlapped by the intensity of the players to dominate the first minutes, there were 6 or 7 minutes with an impressive pace and several shots on goal, including a major failure by Austria at the feet of Baumgartner, after this event the pace began to slow down to give way to the strategy, as when in a game of chess defenses are strengthened and studying the opponent.
The first half manages to be even, but I liked much more the strategy proposed by Wales, due to the fact that most of the times Austria had the ball they could not make the dangerous plays beyond the failure of Baumgartner previously mentioned, a player who was almost not even mentioned was Joe Allen, but this player of short stature and who apparently does not appear is a key piece in the strategy of this team, being the midfielder with the most backward movement he organized the team's exit, being the support of the center backs and the conductor of that important first pass of exit.
Hole in One
The match was even, any mistake could sentence the match, a foul near the area became the perfect opportunity to watch a work of art, a wonderful goal that can be framed on the wall. Gareth Bale is a magnificent player and he has demonstrated it in many occasions, but with Wales he is a player who stands out, who is determinant and who gives the hopes to this nation to take them to a World Cup.
The strike of the ball is perfect, it gives power and direction, but the most difficult thing is to make the ball fall keeping the strength in the path, the ball falls suddenly to stick in the angle before the helpless look of the Austrian goalkeeper, a goal to applaud standing up and to see it again and again.
Bale is a controversial player, especially with those appearances where he mentions Wales, Golf, Madrid, in that order, implying that the team from the Spanish capital is the last in importance. He is a player who had a long time without feeling the 90 minutes of a match, but who could be decisive even with that lack of rhythm, if we add his 32 years, it is a sufficient reason for the coach to leave him out of the competition, however, Bale shows that he is a different player who still has a physique that can withstand the demands of high competition and that mentally can take this kind of challenges, a wonder that we rarely see in soccer.
The second goal of the Welshman is less spectacular, but with a very good resolution, an excellent goal-scoring instinct on the part of Bale that makes him take advantage of the movements of the players in the area and create himself the chance of danger that he was able to take advantage of to perfection.
What Were Austria's Faults?
From my perspective, the main fault of the team was the insecurity of their mixed midfielders and defenders, giving several opportunities to the opponent after important mistakes, however, for the tactical scheme of Austria Sabitzer was one of the most important names, this player became the organizer of the attack, deciding to open the flanks or to give that last pass to the center forward, but he went unnoticed in most of the match, at times he looked for the ball but unsuccessfully, he was very well contained by the Welsh midfield, the performance of this player affected too much in the sensation that the attack offered in the ¾ of the field.
Another negative point in my opinion was the movements of Arnautović, Austria's lone striker. Faced with the impossibility of being assorted balls the striker must go down to help create passing circuits for the team, this player made good support movements but subsequently was not quickly included in the attack, being the striker with the most powerful physique he should offer himself as the main passing option in the center of the area, however, his movements were slow in that sense, at times the wingers or wingers did not know whether to launch the cross and when they managed to do so Arnautović was in an unfavorable position and the danger was consumed.
Due to these slow movements of the striker, Austria's most dangerous attacks came through the center of the field with quick passes, thus Sabitzer scored a goal where fortune also had a lot to do with it. The coach of the Austrian national team placed Kalajdžić, another striker with more height (2 m) to try to bombard the area of Wales in their last attempts to tie the game, however, their attempts were unsuccessful, both strikers failed to position themselves properly to create more danger so Wales took the victory on the tactical board and on the field.
A good approach from Wales
It seems to me that Wales beats Austria from a tactical point of view, managing to create several situations with a lot of danger to the rival goal and containing key players like Sabitzer and Arnautović, being a match where the player Alaba was overexploited to bring the team closer to the opponent's area.
My Player Podium
Gareth Bale:
The artist who manages to capture a work of art in this match, a free kick goal. Although this player did not touch so many balls, he was effective when he had the opportunity to score, in addition, we can see that with his run he can easily leave opponents behind, a powerful left-footed shot and good movements in the area. Having said that, it is necessary to remember that the player has no match rhythm so this level of competition is a higher demand for his body and for his mind, something that seems not to affect him much, so in my opinion he is admirable in terms of his performance.
Player with great deployment, being fundamental in the midfield, joining the attack in a surprising way, something that in this tactical scheme without a reference striker was necessary, good participation and mastery of the midfield, player with experience and with good skills.
Neco Williams:
Skilful player who managed to exploit his skill and speed on the wings, creating very dangerous chances in the face of rival mistakes, a player to keep in mind for the future.
Another silent player is Joe Allen who becomes the axis of the midfield and who really did a good job.
A close game, but where the set piece was fundamental in the outcome of this match, the skill overcame the strategic approach of the game, giving us good feelings about this team that we may see in Qatar. Definitely a very interesting and exciting match.
Thank you for your reading, until next time
Translated with
Notice many "new users" on Hive? Not many, like this place is a disease. No outside communities bringing in new comers. No other sites having many links or no links to any articles from Hive on sites that show professional interests they view as noteworthy to a profession or hobby. Hive articeles are rare on Wouldnt people post on with links to their articles attracting their own new following and groups? No crypto forums acknowledge Hive exists as a place to be either. Ever seen a person asking for support show a way to give support with HIVE listed as a supporting wallet address? Is there a world address on Hive for countries made more unfortunate because of Hive? Would a large Hive holder or large earner of Hive donate a LARGE amount of Hive to help support Ukraine? What? Support something thing that could attract unwanted media attention? Nothing to see here......I dont get out much though.
People are hiding exposure to Hive. People either play dumb, could be scared or intimidated, mislead or dont beilieve it. Maybe just not electronically cultured enough to know. Who knows. Its mostly fake with fake attention paid for by people with ill intentions as many do gloating in their own groups special mindset. Such a small town here to support this kind of high pay. Who is buying Hive tokens with no notable new user base coming in? People trying to buy this place as a grooming ground on the sly. Articles that arent in the interests of their own goals and views dont get much attention. I dont see many high paid articles I would put on a real news sites or link to as noteworthy. Be part of one of their groups and they groom you. They buy comment and article writers in ways that keep their lies hidden. Here to take our FREEDOMS completely in treason as the sacks of shit they are.
Most interest groups and businesses have discord rooms on the side because they wont talk here or more able to teach views there to shill out of public view. They can do odd stuff to you in discord rooms they cant do here. I’ve seen people get mugged and shaken down in discords, be careful while visiting new discords, even if they are a business. They shut down the discord room along with all of the evidence of their crimes the group around @fyrstikken and his discord server @steemspeak. They also hide behind skirts there while on the creep like they do in the new ones they are in.
The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.
I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.
They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?
People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.
What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.
Gales posee mucho talento joven que, si se maneja de forma adecuada, pueden llegar a ser una selección muy buena en un futuro cercano.
Así es, está selección tiene una buena mezcla de experiencia y juventud que le puede llevar a un puesto en el mundial
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