Getting Soaked by the Rain While Watching Jordans Soccer Game
Watching Jordans soccer games ever weekend was so enjoyable, but now that it is getting cold and lately it has been raining a lot here in Vancouver plus its dark during most of the games it is not as much fun, but we still go and enjoy watching the games.
Yesterday was one of those days, where it rained all day long, and not just a little bit, but it rained pretty hard.
Even though we had umbrelas, we still got soaked. I guess it was our own fault, since we thought we would bring our own chairs and sit under the tree, but the seats got wet and so did we.
If we would stand we would probably not get too wet.
At least we got a nice view.
Poor boys, had to play all soaken and pretty cold. And the bad thing is that my sons team trains every day and pretty late too. Most practices are from 7, 8 and even 9 pm untill 11pm.
Plus like I said, it seems lately, that its been raining almost every day for the last 3 weeks.
One good thing is that most of the fields here in Vancouver are turf fields, which drain most of the rain.
If the fields were grass, then the boys would not be able to train or play, since it has been so wet.
When we lives in Prince George and then Penticton, the fall and winter soccer would be indoors, because it was way too cold and snowy to play outside. Because Vancouver is not that cold and doesnt get much snow, the games and practices are all outside, which is also tough, since you get wet and cold from being wet.
So this is what we do every weekend and we really enjoy watching our boy play, but soon its going to get even colder, which I am not looking towards it.
Love @joalvarez
God Bless!