A Javelin is a metal tipped spear thrown for distance in an athletic event.
The missiles for throwing event like javelin are always distructive if used carelessly. Hence, the athletes should be made aware of the dangers of carelessness in the use of missiles. They must be made to throw to one direction. Those who go to collect the missiles already thrown must not throw them back.
Things to know in javelin are:
1. THE GRIP: Javelin must be held at the binding. To make use of the binding, the finger which is going to deliver the javelin should be placed immediately behind the whipcord, this enabling the thrower to pull against something. Two methods are involved here:
a THE FOREFINGER METHOD: The thumb and the forefinger are placed immediately behind the binding.
b THE SECOND FINGER METHOD ALSO CALLED THE FINISH GRIP: The second finger instead of the forefinger is placed round the shaft behind the binding.
2. THE CARRY: To throw the javelin effectively the athlete must have to run with it. Javelin is best carried above the shoulder. The wrist is not kept stiff. The elbow is bent and points approximately half right.
3. THE APPROACH: In this aspect, what is important is not the speed of the run but the ability to convert the speed of the run into speed of the javelin. The last two strides are controlled. Finally, the aim in the approach is maximum controlled speed, maintaining the javelin on it's line of throw.
4. THE THROW: We have two techniques to achieve this step;
a. Standing throw - where the javelin is pulled vigorously forward with the twist of the shoulder. The right leg is driven up and the hip is rotated to the front and up. At the moment if release, the left leg must maintain contact with the ground.
b. The running throw - when the thrower reaches the check mark which is five steps to the throwing arc, he takes to bounding strides' ( the first two strides of the five). Before the release the right foot is crossed in front of the left and with the landing of the left foot, yhe release follows.
5. THE REVERSE: The right leg has to follow throw to the front after completing it's action.