⭐️ Rising Star - Did 4 custom missions. Opened a card pack and progress updates + card swaps
Hello and welcome to all the readers.
A good progress since last post.
Being doing a mix of missions so that i can earn more starbits. Also doing a few lessons to deflate the Ego.
Today, i did my millionaire mission first and then i did four production fair missions
I found 1 BlackMixer, 1 BlackMonitor and 2 SilverSpeakers
i did not find any gold parts.
@risingstargame, It would be great if we can trade/swap the custom missions part with other players. That will help to print more Custom NFTs.
Production Fair:
Card Pack Opening:
I also opened a card pack and this is what i got:
R149 Frederico - 100 fans, 100 skills, 4 luck
i52 Tanpura - 1 luck
i55 Bongos - 1 luck
A balanced pack with luck
3 duplicate card added to my collection.
Updated February Goals:
Task | Goal | Current Status | remaining |
Level | 96 | 94 | 623 XP to reach next level |
Starbits | 75000 | 18894 | 56106 |
Custom shop missions | 25 | 7 | 18 |
Ego | <10% | 5% | - |
Need approx 3529 starbits per day to reach the starbits goals
[this includes the starbits needed for custom shop missions]
Currently, i am doing a production lesson which lasts for an hour.
Game Stats:
Skills - 9762 from cards, 15067 from lessons
Fans - 16280 from cards, temporary 140
Luck - 3062
Cards - 407
Ego from fans - 16420 (140 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 9907
Total - 26327
Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 50000
Players Ranking:
Card Swaps
Anyone interested in card swaps please add a comment below.
Cards i want to swap:
Cards to swap |
R134 Rachel |
R133 James |
R135 Rosetta |
R128 Luthien |
R130 Groovy |
R120 Dan |
R49 Bethany |
R51 Brad |
R54 Ellie |
R59 Laney |
Cards i want |
R100 Pixie |
R102 Butch |
R103 Sam |
R105 Tracy |
R108 Ray |
R109 Trevor |
Note: i will update with more cards later.
Thank you for reading my post.
Have a nice day.
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Hi . Hi . I don't see the point of exchanging spare parts, all players want "gold" so what to exchange it for ?
Take a look at this post :https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@hivediver/from-lowly-busker-to-global-mega-star-my-adventurous-journey-with-rising-star-day-45
I myself have done more than 200 guitar fair : no gold for this ...
@jay63, thanks for your comment. It's a generic suggestion.
I am doing more of custom production fair missions.
And to answer your question, hypothetically, there are more than one gold part. so exchange is possible.
And it can be any part, irrespective of been gold, silver or drum, production etc.
As i said its a suggestion.
I think you will reach the Starbits goal daily with your level. I do get around almost 2k per day at lower level. I just buy cards so I haven't really traded it to Hive.
Thanks for the comment. Yes, i try to reach the daily goal.
So far i have swapped 2 cards. I haven't sold any yet in the market.