My Actifit Report Card: May 24 2024


Hello health conscious people.

How awkward it feels to be absent from work some days only to resume and notice how bored everywhere is. Well we get to that part of my day.

The weather was so cold for more sleep, so I over slept, I couldn't wake up more early to get the little children ready for school. This made them leave the house late, and despite that I had to take part in saving the planet by picking up a little improperly disposed rubbish, meanwhile the head of the house has already informed me before time that I would be running an errand for in the morning before going to the office but it's gonna make me be late but at that moment there was no option on tablet, so I had to before going to office.

Of course I knew I will be late by the time am done with what my dad has asked me to do for him though indirectly it was a sacrifice I had to do for the family. Got to the office and boss was there before me, giving him my greetings without getting any response I need no soothsayer to know he's angry because I haven't been at work for some days and today am coming late. After some minutes he left and handed over everything to me to handle. Unfortunately all the time before he came back I attended to no person infact the environment was to dull. The weather changed and thunderstorms were being heard and people started rushing because once it rains it will be hard to see a means of transport, so I quickly hurried home mine case isn't just the means to get home but it will trigger a heath issue. I was pretty happy I got without it raining. But I was so sad when I entered the compound and my little nieces and nephews told we lost one of our pets, I couldn't hold myself on seeing it but cried. they were trying to bury it in the compound when the Vet doctor came up with a superstitious believe story that if it is buried in the compound that no such pet can survive in that compound a more. I want to ask is it really true?
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

