Play foot ball in mini soccer
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I share the experience of of saw a local team competing in the mini soccer. A mini soccer field is a type of soccer sport as usual the only different is mini soccer such as the area of the field,namely,the number of players,system of rules,which is used.
I saw a mini soccer place that had only been built a few month ago which was located on a hill. Several years ago until now, mini soccer was popular in Indonesia, be side the limited of players and playing time was also quite short.
Financially those who make the main soccer place will benefit, because those who play mini soccer will rent it by playing an hourly basis. Usually these soccer players are local residents and often inter village matches are local.
Mini soccer is played by each of the 7 main players and 3 reserve players,while the duration of the game with mini soccer is 20 minutes with 2 games and 10 minutes interval.
Mini soccer floor using syntetic carpet with a green color. Mini soccer players who will play being their own equipment such a team shirt,ball and other supplies,also bring the audience as supporters for each team that will compete.
Mini soccer field manager provides good service to mini soccer players. The mini soccer field is painted with a mural to liven up the atmosphere and encourge the mini soccer players.
Thank you very much