My push-up challenge
Hello my Hive friends, it's push-up time today!
Besides other kind of gym currently I am practicing push-ups again as I have
a challenge with a friend if I can reach 20 push ups in a row until June. :-)
In this video you can see that I reached already eight push-ups in my first try and then added six more.
Please wish me luck to win the challenge! :)
Hope you like the video!
▶️ 3Speak
Good luck with that challenge! Until June there is still plenty of time to reach your goal! :)
Thank you @jaki01. This challenge make me crazy. 😂
Wow! You’re quite strong and determined to reach your goal.
I am certain you could reach your goal easily!
Thank you for the very nice comment @kaminchan! I try my very best to push.