GatorFan checking in!
Hello fellow Dunksocial tribe members!
As the account name probably gives away, I'm a Gator basketball fan. I'm excited to see this new tribe get started, and am stoked to be part of the air drop. I'm hoping to remember to get all three drops so that I can help curate basketball content.
I'm also planning to post about Gator basketball from a fans perspective. I've been following the Gators since the mid-80s, and enjoyed like hell the Donovan years and the Back-To-Back National Championships in the late 2000s with the '04s.
(source - wikipedia)
I like our current coach, Mike White and think he could grow into a very good coach. But we have a spoiled fan base and there are many who think we can do better. I'm on the fence and wouldn't mind if they jumped at a sure thing (Billy coming back say....) but I wouldn't trade him for a maybe.
So congrats to @dunksocial for getting this tribe up and going. Seems like it already has a good start.
Excited to learn more about the Gators team! I remember this past year they looked great until that strange health issue hit a player, hopefully brighter days ahead! I’ll try to get your claimdrop to you tonight as well! Keep an eye out
Yeah that was crazy. I believe he was considered one of the best players in the NCAA too. What might have been if he hadn't went down.
It's a true shame, glad he is doing alright though off the court
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love that we get some college basketball in here too! looking forward to the winter when we get both the NCAA and NBA to post about
I also live in North Carolina so I might post the odd Duke or UNC post too.
Welcome to Hive and dunksocial, you will surely love it.
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