Trampoline Setup, Pileated Woodpecker, Fill, Wrestling Pratice - Monday
Yesterday morning we had a pretty nice sunrise. There were pinks and light oranges visible for a short while when I first got outside.
Both boys had school and with J there and before I took R in I got the trampoline setup for them. I have it down and it only took me about half an hour to have it back up and going. R was really happy to have it and spent the next half hour bounding around on it.
The pileated woodpecker is back destroying the tree by the coop. It and its mate have stripped over half the tree of bark and I will have to take the tree down sooner than later.
The bird is pretty big, about the size of a small raven or crow and it bashes its beak into the bark with a super loud thunk. They are a bit more skittish of birds and this one has sat around a lot longer than other have.
I got R to school then while they were there I was able to practice for a while on my mandolin, shave, and shower. Once I picked them both up I set about getting the tub water topped off and the filter sprayed off really good.
Nice and tip top water level is how we like it. I checked levels and did a bit of adjustment before closing it to let it finish reheating.
Later in the day I got dinner ready and the boys fed so we could get to wrestling practice. There was a cool sunset as we walked towards the gym.
A lot fewer kids this practice with maybe half of them there. J and R ran and played before warmups started.
The vast majority of the hour and a half practice was spent working with partners and switching positions between standing, top/bottom, escapes, working halves to pins, and in general trying to refine their techniques. A, the high distracted kid, is doing a bit better and is seeming able to focus for a bit longer at a go. Which is rather important since he and R tend to be together for practice a lot since they are similar sizes.
They drilled the escapes from the bottom and the driving push from the top many times. By the end of practice both J and R were fairly well worked and rather warm from the exertion.
I'm curios how many kids will be back after the first tournament, if any are saying, "nope, too much" and will be done or if most of the kids will be back. It's not like soccer or team sports, wrestling is all on the individual which can be a bit difficult for some kids. My two are naturally used to doing things on their own so wrestling is a good fit it seems.
Back home I got the garbage taken to the curb, birds put in, then we all hit the tub. I was pretty tired and didn't make it to 9pm before having to go in and crash. My eyes did not want to stay open.
WE are getting a slight cool down for a few days before it rebounds back to the Spring temps. Boys have school, I need to clean the deck off today, gather my garden tools which are spread around the farm, work on picking up the garbage that has now been exposed by the melting snow, and go get gas in my truck and gas cans as the price is likely to keep going up.

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It's really interesting reading your activities with the boys. The bird is really big and this is my first time seeing such a big bird. Well, I believe if J and R could keep practicing wrestling, they could be good at it, you know?
Thanks for posting in the community.
The boys are progressing constantly but for me the most important part is they are enjoying themselves. If they are then they will naturally get pretty good at it as they learn and grow more.
So cool that you’re so in tune with the sky and offer us your view of the setting all the while. That trampoline looks totally amazing. Your kids must adore you MUCH. Sounds like you’ve got a lot to do on your farm so I hope the weather improves there, which will make it easier on you.❤️💕🤗
I loved hearing the piliateds around us over the years.