Chicken Coop Door Opener Controls, Town, Sheetrock, Greenhouse, School Conferences, Last Wrestling Practice - Wednesday
A healthy amount of time yesterday was spent getting the controls for the coop door mounted and working correctly. I got the boys to school then spent the next hour digging for the right screws, drilling the holes, mounting the driver then devising the means to hold the temp and light sensors.
The servo that will open the lock/latch had to get the wires extended so I got one lopped off and the water proof butt connectors on. I will finish the connections once I have the door built and know how much wire I need.
So then I did another screw up and went to town for a chiro appointment I didn't have. I had put them in my phone with the recurring option and didn't double check the days against the schedule. So I stopped for gas on the way back to the farm.
The rain was inbound so once back home I headed out to the coop to dig out the sheet of sheetrock I have. It was stood behind ALL my other sheets of wood. It rearranged the stack a bit as I put it all back. I also dug out a roll of insulation from behind the studio and tossed it inside.
The boys were off early for the start of Spring break so I got them picked up and we made it through the complete asshole construction work and back to the farm.
I stepped into the greenhouse and found that the light bulb had grenaded. There were pieces of glass all over the place. I had set it up so the bulb faced up.... forgetting about the sheet of water sitting on the underside of the plastic overhead which dripped onto the hot glass and exploded it. I cleaned all the glass up and put a red bulb in then faced it DOWN and hooked it up to a timer to run at night.
Everything needed a good watering so I got all the house plants a nice drenching then the greens in the ground. The lettuce and spinach are big enough I was able to get a small handful for my sandwich for lunch.
It was after 1:30 when the rains began. It was pretty light rain for most of the afternoon but fairly constant.
I spent more time working on the controls and it took me a bit of digging in my electronics parts room to finally find the cable port plugs buried in a box.
I drilled the holes in the sides for them and routed the wires through. The motor and servo wires are a bit loose but not too bad, still held fairly good.
The power wire side is nice and tight on the wire and is holding it firmly.
@stryeyz made it home from work and we all jumped in the car to get to the school a few minutes late for our first school conference which was J's. It's pretty wild to have the principal sit in and be gushing about him, everyone at the school loves him. Not to brag but these are his testing scores... He reads at least at a 12th grade level in 4th grade.
Back home after the conferences @stryeyz went to her studio for a live webinar while I worked on putting in the button on the controls that will open the lock for a couple seconds to allow the door to be manually opened. It obviously came from some car at some point but works perfect for this.
All 4 of us completely forgot about R's last wrestling practice until Mo texted @stryeyz asking where we were. She bolted down to the house and we all jumped in the truck and I hauled ass to the school where R ran in and just made it in time for the team picture.
Front row far left. Made it easy that he is one of the shorter so he fit in on the end of h\the row naturally.
After the picture they had their last practice which was some fundamental work but then a good bit of games at the end.
There is a wrestling camp next week up north that the boys might go to, we will see. It's for 3 hours a day over 3 days and a bunch of kids that have done it like it a lot. We will see.
Having not had dinner yet we drove across the highway from the school to the Ram which we barely made it in time as they closed at 8pm. It had been the plan for dinner when we had forgotten about practice and ended up being dinner no matter.
It was straight up dumping buckets of water as we headed home. Huge massive rain drops made the drive a bit wild and the lines on the highway really difficult to see.
Headed out to soak as the last of the rains moved off. It was about 10pm when I got the boys to bed and myself.
The boys are on spring break now which thankfully means no driving through the asshole construction work until hopefully they are finished. The rains are moving off and the next week looks good weather wise but not wind wise for flying... so farm work it will be.
Today I will get the insulation and sheetrock installed, maybe mud the seams as well. The coop door will need to get built and I will have a bit of work to make the entrance suitable for it to swing open and closed, the PDC night 9 comes on at noon, cleaning in the house, devising a means of mounting the servo to open the lock/latch correctly is proving a bit challenging, then I will try to come up with something for dinner this evening.
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Lights down can become the new "laces out"..
You must be killin' it out here!
@davedickeyyall just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @flemingfarm.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Has it been raining for days over there?
Off and on here.