RE: The Fix for Bad Officiating in the NFL

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Thank you for the response. I think with the money involved that corruption is definitely a possibility. I think it would be hard to do on a large scale, but a few individuals could certainly influence an entire NFL season especially Al Riveron. The best case scenario is that he's terrible at his job. The worst case scenario is that he's somehow biased or corrupted. I tend to think the vast majority of the things we view as bias or corruption is probably our own confirmation bias. It's similar to how we notice a type of car on the road a lot more when we're thinking of buying that kind of car. We might not notice when the New York Jets get a questionable call in their favor, but we definitely notice when the New England Patriots or other high profile team get those calls. I hope the NFL figures it out, but something needs to change.


yes I agree. and I am so sorry that sport, which is such a beautiful thing, gets "dirty" in this way. it is inconceivable: - ((
