[ESP-ENG] El paquete completo | Opinión

Los más sonados también en estas fechas de diciembre, es la famosa lista de agentes libres, o peloteros dejados en libertad, o que decidieron probar en el mercado con un equipo distinto, al cual ya venían desempeñando labores en la temporada anterior, y cobra aún mayor expectativa sobre esos jugadores de renombre, cuyo valor es elevado, y los distintos equipos se pelean financieramente hablando, por pagar más que otros, para obtener los servicios de quizás los peloteros más valiosos en cuantos números estadísticos se refiere.
Even though the Major League Baseball season in the United States is over, the different teams at the management level have not slowed down in their activities, as it involves even more work to analyze what went right or wrong in the recent campaign that has just ended, in order to put into practice the different strategies for the next season in 2025, which includes making a series of movements in each of their rosters, to try to put together the best possible ninth team and face new challenges.
The most talked about also in these dates of December, is the famous list of free agents, or players released, or who decided to try in the market with a different team, to which they were already performing work in the previous season, and takes even greater expectation on these renowned players, whose value is high, and the different teams are fighting financially speaking, to pay more than others, to obtain the services of perhaps the most valuable players in terms of statistical numbers.
¿Valió la pena? | Was it worth it?
Para dar tanto dinero por una sola pieza, se tienen que dar dos cosas: la primera y la más obvia, es que se tiene que tener el monto disponible para ello, y la segunda, ver si en verdad es lo que necesita el equipo, y no actuar como el mejor postor. Soto es un excelente pelotero, pero es un jugador promedio, y su potencial aún no ha explotado. La razón por la cual le dan tanto dinero, es más por lo que le falta hacer en el futuro, y quiénes lo contrataron, saben que lo puede hacer, y quieren que lo haga estando con ellos.
That battle of up to 4 teams to acquire the most valuable player in terms of statistical records, was finally won by the New York Mets, a total of 765 million dollars have disbursed from the management, to acquire the Dominican Juan José Soto Pacheco, and that he will be with them in the next 15 seasons, numbers that although they are too high, do not represent the true value of this player.
To give so much money for a single piece, two things have to happen, the first and most obvious is that you have to have the amount available for it, and the second is to see if it is really what the team needs, and not act as the highest bidder. Soto is an excellent player, but he is an average player, and his potential has not yet exploded, the reason why they give him so much money is more for what he has to do in the future, and those who hired him, know that he can do it, and want him to do it being with them.
Este tipo de jugadores por lo general son los más valiosos de este juego, y por ende los más buscados, pero si nos vamos al plano estadístico, Soto no ha bateado nunca sobre los 300 puntos en una temporada, apenas fue su primera con 40 cuadrangulares, y en los jardines, ha tenido una serie de malas prácticas que creo en unos años, o termina de jugar cómo bateador designado, o en la primera base. Decir que Soto es un jugador con el paquete completo, es algo que no sabemos, y el porqué le han dado tanto dinero, son cosas que el bate, el guante y la pelota en 2025 no nos lo van a mostrar.
Being more objective and more critical with this player, in a few seasons he could get the famous 5 tools, the same that classify a player as the best, but currently he does not have them, which is why the controversy over such a contract, and with greater weight of criticism, because Soto still lacks defensive and offensive skills that keep him for now distant from the value that both fans and teams have given him, I also think that his value is high, rather for being a hitter on the left side of the plate.
These types of players are usually the most valuable in this game, and therefore the most sought after, but if we go to the statistical level Soto has never hit over 300 points in a season, it was just his first with 40 homers and in the gardens has had a series of bad practices that I think in a few years or ends up playing as designated hitter or at first base. To say that Soto is a player with the complete package, is something we do not know, and why they have given him so much money are things that the bat the glove and the ball in 2025 is not going to show us.
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The text translator from Spanish to English used for the description of this publication was: DeepL translator
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Una cifra extremadamente escandalosa, sin embargo el quisqueyano lleva temporadas demostrando su calidad, espero que esto le motive a que los Mets regresen nuevamente a la fiesta de la postemporada
Saludo amigo Pírela, en lo particular tengo mis reservas con Soto, creo que fue demasiado dinero para un pelotero que solo batea, cuando en el mercado de agente libre hay otros con las 5 herramientas. Cuando los Dodger firmaron a othani firmaban a dos peloteros en uno, y sabemos de la capacidad del japonés en ambos roles. ¿Cuánto costaría Ronald Acuña en estos momentos si no fuera por las lesiones? Un pelotero que sí tiene las 5 herramientas. Creo que el futuro de Soto a mediano plazo es de bateador designado.
Saludos amigo así es, y si te pones a ver también, Acuña, Soto y Ohtani debutaron en el mismo año, en 2018, y todos han ganado premios a nivel individual menos Soto.