The African Sport Dambe. Sport For The Brave.
Some month ago, i was browsing the net and as usual pay a visit to one of my favorite forum and fortunately come in contact about a thread talking about one of the ancient sport in africa called Dambe a combat sport that involve fist throwing, landing heavy punches on your opponent.
The sport Dambe according to Wikipedia, is a martial art of the Hausa people from West Africa. Competitors in a typical match aim to subdue each other into total submission mostly within three rounds. It often results in serious bodily injuries for the challengers such as broken jaws and ribs.
This sport is mostly carried out during the harvest period, warrior or fighters move from one village to another challenging others. This sport is very dangerous as there is no safety measure like head gear, teeth gaurd, handglove in place. The fighters hand that is dominant is wrapped with a piece of clothes.
Right now in Nigeria the sport Dambe is being promoted to make it popular in Nigeria. Come December 14 will be a Dambe competition organized by african warrior in lagos Nigeria
Dambe looks cool, unless you happen to be the one getting your ass kicked I guess. There's a couple blokes there in your blog I'd probably not want to face.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are not alone in this bro, i like my face and will like to enter the new year with smooth face not a reset one that's if am lucky.
😂 Yeah, well I can't say I'm the most handsome dude, but what average to below-average looks I have need to be preserved. Still, there's a few people I'd like to dambe the hell out of though.
Unsourced images.
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