[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Lira the Dark" and 💥"Gobson Bomber" in "Healed Out"

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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy juego con un mazo "Death" y me enfrente a un team "Death" también, es una batalla de "mana 45" y solo con los monstruos "Death" disponibles.
Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I'm playing with a "Death" deck and I'm facing a "Death" team as well, it's a "mana 45" battle and only with the "Death" monsters available.


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Ruleset: "Healed Out"

Esta regla de batalla establece que no se podrán usar habilidades de curación o sanación de monstruos o invocadores. Las habilidades como "Heal", "Tank Heal" y "Triage" quedan desactivadas.
This battle rule states that healing abilities of monsters or summoners cannot be used. Abilities such as "Heal", "Tank Heal" and "Triage" are disabled.


Uso un team con ataque mixto.

Mi invocador es "Thaddius Brood" que reduce el ataque mágico y salud de mis monstruos en -1.
Mi tanque es "Harklaw" con "shield", será muy resistente a los ataques "melee" y "ranged".
Mi segundo monstruo es "Chaos Agent", será carnada para "opportunity".
Mi tercer monstruo es "Djinn Muirat" con "void armor", su armadura lo protege de los ataques mágicos.

I use a team with mixed attack.

My summoner is "Thaddius Brood" who reduces the magic attack and health of my monsters by -1.
My tank is "Harklaw" with "shield", he will be very resistant to "melee" and "ranged" attacks.
My second monster is "Chaos Agent", he will be bait for "opportunity".
My third monster is "Djinn Muirat" with "void armor", his armor protects him from magic attacks.


Ubico 3 arqueros al final.

En medio tengo a "Queen of Crows" con "close range", podrá atacar cuando llegue a la primera posición.
Casi al final tengo a "Lira the Dark", un "opportunity" con "snare", atacará al enemigo más débil.
Mi último monstruo es "Gobson Bomber", un "gold" con "recharge" y "camouflage", su ataque hará mucho daño al tanque enemigo.

I place 3 archers at the end.

In the middle I have "Queen of Crows" with "close range", she will be able to attack when she reaches the first position.
Almost at the end I have "Lira the Dark", an "opportunity" with "snare", she will attack the weakest enemy.
My last monster is "Gobson Bomber", a "gold" with "recharge" and "camouflage", her attack will do a lot of damage to the enemy tank.


Me enfrento a un team con ataque mixto.

Su invocador es "Octavia Shadowmeld" de "nivel 2" que reduce la salud de mis monstruos en -1 y le permite usar un monstruo
"gladius" en sus filas.
Su tanque es "Cursed Windeku" con "thorns", sus espinas lastiman a mi "Harklaw".
En la segunda posición está "Ulundin Overseer" con "flank", posee gran salud y armor.
Aquí tiene a "Skok Duskblight" con "Weapons Training", otorgará ataque mágico a "Ulundin Overseer" y a "Will o Wisp"
que posee "flying" y "weaken", este monstruo reducirá la salud de los míos en -1.
Casi al final está "Witch of Warwick", un "gladius" "gold" de "nivel 3", posee "life leech" y "bloodlust", ganará salud cada
vez que haga daño.
Su último monstruo es "Venari Marksrat" de "nivel 2" con "martyr", cuando muera dará poder a su "gladius".

I'm facing a team with mixed attack.

Their summoner is "Octavia Shadowmeld" of "level 2" that reduces the health of my monsters by -1 and allows them to use a "gladius" monster in their ranks.
Their tank is "Cursed Windeku" with "thorns", its thorns hurt my "Harklaw".
In the second position is "Ulundin Overseer" with "flank", it has great health and armor.
Here they have "Skok Duskblight" with "Weapons Training", it will grant magic attack to "Ulundin Overseer" and "Will o Wisp"
that has "flying" and "weaken", this monster will reduce the health of my monsters by -1.
Almost at the end is "Witch of Warwick", a "level 3" "gold" "gladius", it has "life leech" and "bloodlust", it will gain health every time it deals damage.
Its last monster is "level 2" "Venari Marksrat" with "martyr", when it dies it will give power to its "gladius".



Ronda 1

"Lira the Dark" despacha a "Witch of Warwick" y "Harklaw" sigue en pie.

Round 1

"Lira the Dark" dispatches "Witch of Warwick" and "Harklaw" remains standing.


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Ronda 2

"Will o Wisp" gana poder gracias a la muerte de su "Venari Marksrat".
"Cursed Windeku" es liquidado por mi "Queen of Crows", pero "Ulundin Overseer" fulmino a mi "Harklaw".

Round 2

"Will o Wisp" gains power thanks to the death of his "Venari Marksrat".
"Cursed Windeku" is finished off by my "Queen of Crows", but "Ulundin Overseer" takes out my "Harklaw".


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Ronda 3

"Chaos Agent" es abatido y ahora "Djinn Muirat" está al frente.

Round 3

"Chaos Agent" is defeated and now "Djinn Muirat" is in charge.


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Ronda 4

"Ulundin Overseer" es derribado por mi "Gobson Bomber".
Ahora solo quedan 2 enemigos mágicos en pie.

Round 4

"Ulundin Overseer" is shot down by my "Gobson Bomber".
Now there are only 2 magic enemies left standing.


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Ronda 5

Solo que "Will o Wisp" en frente pero sin chance de ganar.

Round 5

Only "Will or Wisp" in front but without a chance to win.


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¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Thaddius Brood" neutralizo el ataque mágico enemigo, después "Lira the Dark"
estuvo genial desde atrás y "Gobson Bomber" fue muy importante al hacer mucho daño con su gran ataque.
La próxima vez usaré un team "Earth" con el invocador "Immortalis".

Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy paid off, "Thaddius Brood" neutralized the enemy's magic attack, then "Lira the Dark"
was great from behind and "Gobson Bomber" was very important by doing a lot of damage with its great attack.
Next time I will use an "Earth" team with the "Immortalis" summoner.



Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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