#monomad - Taking cycling photos has become my passion.


Saludos comunidad, nuevamente he regresado con todo mis animos por encima para mostrarles muchas cosas maravillosas que he estado realizando y por tal motivo he estado muy ausente en la comunidad.

Greetings community, I have returned again with all my spirits above to show you many wonderful things that I have been doing and for this reason I have been very absent in the community.
En esta oportunidad les mostrare un arte maravilloso, que como dice el titulo " Hacer fotografia de ciclismo se ha vuelto mi pasion". Ya que es uno de mis deporte favoritos, donde se conoce que es unos de los deporte mas completos en el mundo, en tal caso, pude formar parte en esta oportunidad del equipo de prensa de un evento sumamente importante en nuestro pais Venezuela, como lo es la Vuelta Ciclistica de Venezuela en su Edicion 56.
In this opportunity I will show you a wonderful art, which as the title says "Taking cycling photography has become my passion". Since it is one of my favorite sports, where it is known that it is one of the most complete sports in the world, in this case, I was able to be part of the press team of an extremely important event in our country Venezuela, as It is the Cycling Tour of Venezuela in its 56th Edition.


Este gran evento deportivo en nuestro pais Venezuela es importante ya que son 8 dias de competencia donde visitan las ciudades grandes de nuestro amado pais, haciendo un total de casi 600km de recorrido, con un tiempo de 75horas aproximadamente, con una gran participacion de grandes equipos de ciclismos, nacional e internacional, donde en esta edicion estuvierton presente 156 equipos de ciclismo, 22 equipos fueron internacionales y el resto en representacion de venezuela, en diferentes sponsores.

This great sporting event in our country Venezuela is important since there are 8 days of competition where they visit the big cities of our beloved country, making a total of almost 600km of travel, with a time of approximately 75 hours, with a great participation of great teams. of cycling, national and international, where in this edition 156 cycling teams were present, 22 teams were international and the rest represented Venezuela, in different sponsors.

Justo en este momento senti una gran adrenalina ya que para hacer esta foto tuve que estar en la orilla de la calle, a una distancia de 1 metro y medio de el peloton,lo que quiere decir que los 156 ciclista pasaron a una velocidad de 56 kilometros por hora, una velocidad elevada para andar en bicicleta, esto quiere decir que un minimo descuido y podia ocurrir un accidente conmigo. Gracias a Dios tengo experiencia en este deporte y se perfectamente manejar las situaciones para capturar grande momentos.

Right at this moment I felt a great adrenaline rush because to take this photo I had to be on the edge of the street, at a distance of 1 meter and a half from the peloton, which means that the 156 cyclists passed at a speed of 56 kilometers per hour, a high speed to ride a bicycle, this means that a minimum carelessness and an accident could happen with me. Thank God I have experience in this sport and I know how to perfectly handle situations to capture great moments.



La energia que se sentia en este evento era muy grane ya que habian muchisima fanaticada lo que daban muchas vibras a los ciclistas cada vez que pasaban por frente de ellos. Este evento fue un circuito de 138km, realizando 14 vueltas en total para completar la etapa y decidir el ganador de este dia.

The energy that was felt in this event was very great since there were many fans which gave many vibes to the cyclists every time they passed in front of them. This event was a 138km circuit, making 14 laps in total to complete the stage and decide the winner of this day.


A medida que faltaban menos vueltas las expresiones de los ciclistas se intensificaban, ya que debian mantener un gran ritmo sumamente importante y asi poder obtener los resultados de la llegada final por cada uno de los equipos, ya que cada equipo tiene su trtabajop especifico, tiene su mision en cada etapa y en cada carrera, esto es bajo la direccion de su equipo tecnico.

As there were fewer laps to go, the expressions of the cyclists intensified, since they had to maintain a very important pace and thus be able to obtain the results of the final arrival for each of the teams, since each team has its specific job, it has his mission in each stage and in each race, this is under the direction of his technical team.

Y de esta forma concluyo contandoles mis grata experiencia en este evento como medio de prensa para este deporte hermoso.

And in this way I conclude by telling you about my pleasant experience in this event as a media outlet for this beautiful sport.

Y para ya cerrar este contenido con ustedes compartire una expresion unica luego de que la carrera finalizara.

And to close this content with you I will share a unique expression after the race is over.




I discovered your content today. I often create a similar in theme set of photos, but not with the foregrounds of the cyclists outside the competition, as you did. Nice work!
