Splinterlands Social Media Challenge.

Hello guys, welcome to my blog. I recently played some battles on splinterlands and I am willing to share them on hive blockchain as splinterlands hosts two battle challenges "Share Your Battle" & "Social Media Challenge". It is a high opportunity to earn some big upvotes but the posts have to be qualitiful and also the posts have to be shared on other social media.
My Splinterlands Battle With LIVING LAVA.

Not all lava is alive; most of the time, it responds to gravity as expected. But the stuff that comes from the very core of the Molten Mountains... There's just something special about it...more
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LIVING LAVA is a Rare Fire Unit and it is an Untamed Monster. This monster costs 7 mana and is also a melee monster. It has 3 melee damage, 1 speed, 2 armors and 6 health in level one. It has also Shield ability from level 1, Rust ability from level 5 and Thorns ability from level 8. At maximum level, it has 4 melee damage, 1 speed, 4 armors and 8 health with Shield, Rust and Thorns ability. I love this monster because of its Shield ability with high damage, health and armors.
Now let me tell you the brief information about the battle.
First Battle
The combat rule of the battle is Standard and the mana cap was 18. I chose fire splinter as I have the powerful monsters on this splinter.
I chose Tarsa as a summoner because it adds one melee attack and a health and chose Living Lava in the first position as it has Shield ability. Then I chose Serpentine Spy as it has Opportunity ability. Then I chose Goblin Fireballer. In the fourth position, I chose Xenith Archer.
The opponent chose Death splinter and chose Thaddius Brood as his summoner. Then he placed Cursed Windeku with Thorns ability at the first position, Death Elemental with Snipe ability. Then he placed Life Sapper with Life Leech ability. Then he chose Carrion Shade and at the last position he chose Cursed Slimeball.
First Monster

LIVING LAVA is a Rare Fire Unit and it is an Untamed Monster. This monster costs 7 mana and is also a melee monster. It has 3 melee damage, 1 speed, 2 armors and 6 health in level one. It has also Shield ability from level 1, Rust ability from level 5 and Thorns ability from level 8. At maximum level, it has 4 melee damage, 1 speed, 4 armors and 8 health with Shield, Rust and Thorns ability. I love this monster because of its Shield ability with high damage, health and armors.
The Living Lava I used in the battle was leveled one Living Lava and it had three melee damages, one speed, two armors and six health. I like the Living Lava for its Shield ability. Also, it has high damage and health.
Second Monster

SERPENTINE SPY is a Common Fire Unit and it is an Untamed Monster. This monster costs 3 mana and is also a melee monster. It has also Opportunity ability from level 1 and Poison ability from level 10. At maximum level, it has 4 melee damage, 6 speed, 3 health with Opportunity and Poison ability.
The Serpentine Spy I used in the battle was leveled one Serpentine Spy and it had two melee damages, three speed, no armors and one health. I like the Serpentine Spy for its Opportunity ability. Also, it has high damage and speed.
Third Monster

GOBLIN FIREBALLER is a Common Fire Unit and it is an Untamed Monster. This monster costs 2 mana and is also a range monster. It has no ability at level 1, Snare ability at level 5 and Stun ability at level 10. At maximum level, it has 2 range damage, 4 speed, 4 health with Snare and Stun ability.
The GOBLIN FIREBALLER I used in the battle was leveled one GOBLIN FIREBALLER and it had 1 range damage, 1 speed, no armors and 2 health. I love this GOBLIN FIREBALLER because of its low mana cost.
Fourth Monster

XENITH ARCHER is a Common Neutral Unit and it is a Chaos Legion Monster. This monster costs 2 mana and is also a range monster. It has no ability. At maximum level, it has 2 range damage, 4 speed, 5 health.
The Xenith Archer I used in the battle was leveled one Xenith Archer and it had 1 range damage, 1 speed, no armors and 2 health. I love this Xenith Archer because of its low mana cost.
Battlefield Details
Battle Link :- https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_7dde50ffb289ae32ba850197d1f4719d
The combat rule of the battle is Standard and the mana cap was 18. I chose fire splinter as I have the powerful monsters on this splinter.
I chose Tarsa as a summoner because it adds one melee attack and a health and chose Living Lava in the first position as it has Shield ability. Then I chose Serpentine Spy as it has Opportunity ability. Then I chose Goblin Fireballer. In the fourth position, I chose Xenith Archer.
The opponent chose Death splinter and chose Thaddius Brood as his summoner. Then he placed Cursed Windeku with Thorns ability at the first position, Death Elemental with Snipe ability. Then he placed Life Sapper with Life Leech ability. Then he chose Carrion Shade and at the last position he chose Cursed Slimeball.
Did my strategy work?
- Yes my strategy worked. While placing the cards, I thought I had put the best monsters I have and after seeing the opponent's strategy, I thought I could win and that was happen.
Do I like Living Lava?
- Yes, obviously I like Living Lava for its Shield ability. Also, it has high damage and health. I always try to use this monster in the battles.
Second Battle
The combat rule of the battle is Standard and the mana cap was 26. I chose fire splinter as I have the powerful monsters on this splinter.
I chose Tarsa as a summoner because it adds one melee attack and a health and chose Living Lava in the first position as it has Shield ability. Then I chose Tanyii Striker as it has Sneak ability. Then I chose Serpentine Spy as it has Opportunity ability. In the fourth position, I chose Scavo Hireling because of its Repair ability. Then I chose Scavo Firebolt as it has high range damage.
The opponent chose Death splinter and chose Thaddius Brood as his summoner. Then he placed Cursed Windeku with Thorns ability at the first position, Riftwing with Scavanger and Flying ability. Then he placed Chaos Agent. Then he chose Undead Badger with Sneak ability at fourth position.Then he chose Death Elemental with Snipe ability at the fifth position. At the sixth position, he chose Undead Badger with Sneak ability and at the last position he chose Silent Sha-Vi because it has Sneak ability.
First Monster

LIVING LAVA is a Rare Fire Unit and it is an Untamed Monster. This monster costs 7 mana and is also a melee monster. It has 3 melee damage, 1 speed, 2 armors and 6 health in level one. It has also Shield ability from level 1, Rust ability from level 5 and Thorns ability from level 8. At maximum level, it has 4 melee damage, 1 speed, 4 armors and 8 health with Shield, Rust and Thorns ability. I love this monster because of its Shield ability with high damage, health and armors.
The Living Lava I used in the battle was leveled one Living Lava and it had three melee damages, one speed, two armors and six health. I like the Living Lava for its Shield ability. Also, it has high damage and health.
Second Monster

TENYII STRIKER is a Rare Fire Unit and it is an Chaos Legion Monster. This monster costs 5 mana and is also a melee monster. It has 2 melee damage, 2 speed and 6 health in level one. It has also Sneak ability from level 1, Dodge ability from level 4 and Backfire ability from level 7. At maximum level, it has 5 melee damage, 4 speed, 7 health with Sneak, Dodge and Backfire ability.
The TENYII STRIKER I used in the battle was leveled one TENYII STRIKER and it had two melee damages, two speed, no armors and six health. I like the Tenyii Striker for its Sneak ability. Also it has high damage and health.
Third Monster

SERPENTINE SPY is a Common Fire Unit and it is an Untamed Monster. This monster costs 3 mana and is also a melee monster. It has also Opportunity ability from level 1 and Poison ability from level 10. At maximum level, it has 4 melee damage, 6 speed, 3 health with Opportunity and Poison ability.
The Serpentine Spy I used in the battle was leveled one Serpentine Spy and it had two melee damages, three speed, no armors and one health. I like the Serpentine Spy for its Opportunity ability. Also, it has high damage and speed.
Fourth Monster

Scavo Hireling is a Common Neutral Unit and it is a Chaos Legion Monster. This monster costs 3 mana. It has also Repair ability from level 1, Camouflage ability at level 6, and Slow ability from level 10. At the maximum level, it has no damage, 5 speed, no armors, and 5 health with Repair, Camouflage, and Slow ability.
The Scavo Hireling I used in the battle was leveled one Scavo Hireling and it had 0 damages, two speeds, no armors, and one health. I love this Scavo Hireling because of its Repair ability with low mana cost.
Fifth Monster

Scavo Firebolt is a Rare Fire Unit and it is a Chaos Legion Monster. This monster costs 4 mana and is also a ranged monster. It has no ability from level 1. It has also some other abilities. It has Knock Out ability from level six. At level one, it has 2 range attacks, 2 speed, no armors, and 4 health but no ability. I love this monster because of its high range damage, speed, and low mana cost.
The Scavo Firebolt I used in the battle was leveled one Scavo Firebolt and it had 2 range damages, two speeds, no armors, and 4 health. I love this Scavo Firebolt because of its high damage and speeds.
Battlefield Details
Battle Link :- https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_dcd71cafcc95e2e55b25ea5cc5938301
The combat rule of the battle is Standard and the mana cap was 26. I chose fire splinter as I have the powerful monsters on this splinter.
I chose Tarsa as a summoner because it adds one melee attack and a health and chose Living Lava in the first position as it has Shield ability. Then I chose Tanyii Striker as it has Sneak ability. Then I chose Serpentine Spy as it has Opportunity ability. In the fourth position, I chose Scavo Hireling because of its Repair ability. Then I chose Scavo Firebolt as it has high range damage.
The opponent chose Death splinter and chose Thaddius Brood as his summoner. Then he placed Cursed Windeku with Thorns ability at the first position, Riftwing with Scavanger and Flying ability. Then he placed Chaos Agent. Then he chose Undead Badger with Sneak ability at fourth position.Then he chose Death Elemental with Snipe ability at the fifth position. At the sixth position, he chose Undead Badger with Sneak ability and at the last position he chose Silent Sha-Vi because it has Sneak ability.
Did my strategy work?
- Yes my strategy worked. While placing the cards, I thought I had put the best monsters I have and after seeing the opponent's strategy, I thought I could win and that was happen.
Do I like Living Lava?
- Yes, obviously I like Living Lava for its Shield ability. Also, it has high damage and health. I always try to use this monster in the battles.
The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.
They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.
What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good work!