My daughter's first wrestling tournament

She did so awesome

As many of you that have been following me know, my daughter has had a rough year. She got COVID in January and we almost lost her. She is still dealing with the after effects of having COVID, but she is trying to get back to a somewhat normal life. One of the ways that she is trying to do that is by joining the wrestling team for her school.

Prior to having COVID, she was a part of the track team and the lacrosse team. She even made the varsity lacrosse team during her sophomore year of school, but then COVID started right after the lacrosse season started, so she wasn't able to compete because all the sports were cancelled for the remainder of the year.

When she said that she wanted to join the wrestling team, I was super excited for her. I wrestled in school for seven years and I had a blast. Wrestling is probably the greatest sport that someone can do because it teaches so many different life lessons, like patience, perseverance and hard work. Not many sports are able to instill as much work ethic as wrestling can do.

My daughter has only been on the team for a few weeks now, but she was able to defeat two other members on her team to get a spot on the varsity team. That is an awesome feat, but I knew that she was going to be going up against girls that have been wrestling for a few years and have a lot more technique than her.

She had three matches during the tournament and she ended up losing in each match, but she tried so hard and never gave up during her matches. She did so awesome. The days that were leading up to the tournament, I explained to her that her first matches are going to be really hard as she is getting used to the sport and how everything works.
Wrestling is a lot different than any other sport because you have no one to rely on but yourself, so she was pretty nervous about everything, especially since she was on varsity already and going against people that have so much more experience than she does.

The first girl that she wrestled is one of the toughest in the state and usually pins her opponents pretty quickly, but my daughter was able to make it through two rounds against her and got out of being pinned so many times.

I can't wait to see how she progresses through the season and how much more confident she gets on the mat. One really cool thing is that I have a background in wrestling and I can show her some new moves and help her with her defense.
I am so proud of her and how great she did during her matches. She has really overcome a lot over the past year. It is going to be so great for her to be able to try and get her health back as she continues to fight the lasting effects of COVID.
This is amazing!! Kudos to your beautiful, strong daughter. She had an impressive start of the season!
I agree with you, that and the fact that it's just you (your mind, your body) against the other really forges characters. I can see that you and your daughter, actually your whole family, share a fierce nature and ability to overcome obstacles.
I can feel you're very proud and I'm glad you'll have the opportunity to contribute to her path in this sport from your own knowledge.
Wishing you guys all the best!
Thank you. We have been through so much this past year and I am so glad that she is feeling good enough to be able to wrestle. This is going to help her so much for her future.
Amazing proud parent moment 😀
Ya. We are super proud of how awesome she did.
Love her cheeky smile in the first photo.
lol. She was making goofy faces all night long.
I'm really thankful that she has recovered as well as she has and that y'all didn't lose her. It's badass of all sports she chose wrestling. My brother was a Texas state champ and i got my ass kicked all the time. I had asthma back then and had to learn to either breathe while being twisted into a pretzel or escape. I eventually got fairly decent at not getting my ass kicked.
Sorry she lost her matches, but i think one can learn more from losing more often than not rather than winning. Sounds like she is really on the path to whipping some ass! I can already tell i wouldn't want to mess with her... or you! hahaha
Cool to hear you wrestled for so long back in the day. You remember that movie Vision Quest? Wrestlers are a different kind of athlete for all the reasons you mentioned and a few more! hahaha
Thanks man. I really appreciate it. She is really excited for this season. We went and got her some new wrestling shoes yesterday and she is excited to break them in. I had never seen the Vision Quest movie and it looks super old, so I would never watch it nowadays. Old movies are so weird.
Yeah, that's exciting for her for sure. If she's excited then i think she will do well. Sounds like she's already kicking ass if she beat her way onto varsity. You should totally get baked and watch that movie! hahaha Or better yet, put it on and make your daughter watch it for 'training purposes' hahahah
Wow, congrats to her