My Cycling Weekends

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If I'm not traveling somewhere, this is probably how I spend my weekend.

On weekends, I don't worry about when I wake up. Unless I have arranged a hike or a trip to some location, then I sleep until I wake up naturally. Sometimes it's seven in the morning, sometimes it's eleven. Does not matter.

I usually hydrate with lemonade, drink coffee and never eat breakfast. I have been practicing autophagy for some time now and it works for me both for metabolism, weight control, and mental sharpness and clarity of my thoughts.

Then I go for a pleasure ride. I never chase time, kilometers, Strava segments, average speeds... I simply enjoy cycling, the wind, the smells, the sun. I usually cover between 30 and 70 kilometers a day. At least part of that mileage is off road.


Then I stop by somewhere for lunch, hanging out with friends or for a glass of good beer for proper hydration ;) I'm rarely in a hurry on the weekends. If I arrange an appointment, I try to make the agreement fluid - half an hour plus or minus is not the end of the world. If it is important for someone that I arrive on time, I will most likely arrive much earlier, precisely because I don't want to rush and stress myself out on the weekend.

Whenever I can - I drive through the wilderness, through nature. I've been living in the plains for years, so I usually see a lot of ponds and marshes, flocks of birds, sometimes a roe deer. It's very interesting these days, flocks of birds are getting ready to return to the south. Sometimes I think I meet thousands of birds during the day. There have been a lot of swans in recent years.


Still, after 40 years of cycling, I believe that the bicycle is one of the best inventions of mankind and that my decision to devote myself to it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 173 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
