Attending in a District Sports Meet Planning Conference and SGC Orientation Made My Day Interesting and Productive
It was November 23 after I attended the Senior High School orientation my school head assigned me again to attend an SGC or School Governance and a Planning Conference for the coming District Sports Meet 2023 for she would be going to the division office for important matters. Even if I'm worried about my class since I have been out for 2 days already, I have nothing to complain about but to accept the challenge. As usual, it's my principle that if given a task I can't say no but just obey and accept the responsibility. After this series of activities, I'm sure that I will be conducting a re-echo in our school.
What is SGC
SGC or School Governance Council is a mechanism formed or created in a school as a shared governance and feedback mechanism. This organization will help various organizations in school to be active and functional since members of this organization come from existing organizations of external and internal stakeholders. This school. year Secondary Schools are the pilot for the SGC implementation in our division. There will be a monitoring evaluation and various tools to be accomplished as well as MOV or mode of verification as proof of its functionality. So I realize that it is not easy to organize and implement this organization. The creation and realization of this organization need cooperation from the chosen members of this mechanism. The orientation started with a prayer followed by a discussion of SGC, what are its officers, who are the members, the function of SGC, roles and responsibilities of its officers and members. The orientation ended with an open forum and clarification. After which lunch was served.
In the afternoon I attended the planning conference of the coming District Sports Meet 2023. After the pandemic, this is the first time that we will be having a district sports meet to select potential players who will represent the division sports meet in 2023 this coming February. Many of our learners are excited about the coming event. Winners from the schools' sports meet will represent our school in the district meet competition.
During our planning, we chose various tournament managers, officiating officials, and venues for the different games. We agreed to the flow of the program and budget for the purchase of materials sports equipment and facilities needed in each game. That was a very comprehensive meeting with the school heads and different Sports coordinators coming from different schools. For me, that day was so interesting and productive.
That is all for now my dear hive friends. Thank you and God bless everyone.