My Actifit Report Card: November 6 2023 | Just Got Determined To Hit The Milestone


On my way up to my destination, I found Actifit useful as it takes record of the number of steps taken.
Hahaha 🤣

As I was on my way to the other side of the world, I came across this cruise ship 🚢 paddled to my view by the wind, not even a single atom of waves.
I joined the ship and sailed to the other side. As told to me today by a kid.

Life is simple when you're on the right track. Yes, right track.
Don't get it twisted 🥨 at all.
Btw, am grateful to God for enabling me to achieve this level of steps today.

Alive And Thriving

The grace of God almighty is sufficient and every available, only if we seek for it.

My Alive activities have dropped drastically.
Coming back to Hive has made me to understand that a person's foundation is very important.
This I must consider in order to build my skyscrapers.
Though life is tough in real life, I must not give up my Blockchain/Meterverse/Alterverse goals as it gives me the clearer vision of how things could be seems as if all the powers are handed over to mankind.

With my intension to make a dual post, I rest my case here until further notice.

Thanks for stopping by to checkout what I've got for today.
See you tomorrow.
Stay safe and #Alive.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

House Chores, Jogging, Moving Around Office, Play with kids/grand kids, Running, Walking


Waw. Sail away with me boss. Things are getting tougher indeed.


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