RE: Shamrocks Basketball Weekend


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That is the worst part about what the NBA stars are doing now. They are role models and they are inspiring kids to ignore coaches and do whatever they want. I know I know... that "you are role models; act good" has never really worked out. When Charles Barkley flipped off fans and was told that, or when Barry Bonds spit on fans and was told that... But at least in the past these athletes actually played hard and as a team. Now the way they act is destroying the entire sport.

Oh well. It's good that your niece is taking on a leadership role. That's always exciting for kids. I'm always trying to push my kids to take on more leadership with their peers.


I wish I had the self confidence to be that kind of leader when I was younger. I always shied away from stuff like that. I am really proud of her. Yeah, it would be interesting to see how some of these players would have fared against other teams from back in the day. I wonder if one of the NBA games can simulate that based on styles.
