#fitness2020 30reps challenge episode 2 - Switch to plank

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It turns out unexpected today, not about rambling or complaining. I really need to take a break on the pushups anyway, and suddenly an unexpected event happened so I had to resort to plank exercise. Anyway, I had to speed it up during the plank because there's hardly anything valuable to make video for during the plank. Find out what happened to me in the video. LOL

Previous episodes in March Week 2
Episode 1 here

Contest(March Week 2)

Here's the #steem part I would like to put up. I would like to invite friends to participate in fitness. I am the guy who sign up a gym membership, but didn't go there even once because lack of workout buddy. I like "social fitness", literally go to the gym for social purpose. To me, gym is a lifestyle. I need peer pressure and I certainly hope this even will help you to continue posting daily because of the workout.


5 Steem for the winner

3 Steem for 2nd

1 Steem for 3rd

1 Steem for anyone who complete the challenge and make a summary workout report

If there's little participants, I'll just wipe my ass and walk out continue my workout with a few buddies. If there's enough participants, I will try to increase the top prize with snowball effect. When there's no taker, I will continue to add up the amount. Each week if nobody come forth and claim the reward, I will add it up.


  1. Do the workout. Do atleast accountable for 30 reps of exercise.
  2. Record a video as prove of work
  3. Upload it to any social media that can allow user to watch without sign in, preferably dtube or 3speak
  4. Make a post with your prove of work and tag #fitness2020 on the first five tag for ease of curation
  5. Make an extra summary report by the end of challenge.
  6. Contest end - payout date of the announcement post
  7. No spam, no recycle video
  8. If you have anything to say, keep the video short, within 7 minutes.

Why this contest?

You may be saying, Dave 30 reps is a joke. Why not take it up to 50? Well, despite this contest is a fitness workout contest, ultimately its an excuse for us to make a post. I would like to take this opportunity to promote fitness, and to keep author posting on a regular basis, an extra topic for everyone to participate. I have prepared some steem for fellow participants. Ultimately, it benefit myself too, because I need workout buddy. And you my friend, 1 post a day for the fitness, you earn your potential upvote, body is yours, fitness is yours, and do the summary report and 1Steem is yours. If you win because you're handsome, or have a sexy bikini body, there you have somemore STEEM as per prize stipulated.

Week 9 conclusion can be found here
February contest announcement and summary can be found here
Week 4 conclusion can be found here
Week 3 conclusion can be found here
Week 2 conclusion can be found here
Week 1 conclusion can be found here

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davidke20, thanks for your kindness to gift SHOP to 4 steemians, you have been received a 100% upvote from me~
@tipu curate




So sweet of you !tip !shop

Posted using Partiko Android


No problem at all. I still have some to give. Just learned to use this one too 😅

I've used up my VP again therefore giving you tips is better. By the way, is it a must to post daily video for your contest? Can it be made into weekly compilation?


Hi~ heartbeat1515!
@davidke20 has gifted you 1 SHOP!

Currently you have: 8 SHOP

View or Exchange SHOP Please go to steem-engine.com.

Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!