Morning Run - 14km (finally got down to parkrun! 🏃)


My last Parkrun was completed way back in September last year, and there have been a mixture of injuries, poor weather conditions, lack of time and also a lot of general laziness, preventing me from returning.

I finally managed to put that right today, and after some miserable weather due to Storm Éowyn blowing through, I woke up this morning to some beautiful weather:



After a decent nights sleep (due to actually going to bed on time last night) I woke up in time to see the sun coming up.

The main reason I wanted to attend parkrun today, was that I had set myself a 'target' for the year of attending at least 1 parkrun event every month. I set it as I thought it would be easy to achieve, and after missing the last 4 events due to various reason, today was the last saturday in January... I HAD to do it today!


I've also only attended parkrun previously in 3 months of the year, so would like to complete this challenge from the parkrun app :-)

Unbeknownst to me, there was another reason to attend the Lincoln Parkrun, and that was they are celebrating their 500th event. It wasn't something that would motivate me to join them today, but I know it encourage lots of other 'non-regular' parkruners to join in


After I'd had my breakfast, I laced up my trainers and headed out into the sunshine. After missing so many events due to various reasons, I was really excited to be heading out this morning. I was also looking forward to completing a 'longer' run today, I've had too many short runs recently. It was even better as I noticed my hip niggle was barely noticeable to start with

I'm sure that will change by the time I've finished the run, but for now its ok!

I headed down the hill into town, and then cut through Boultham Park in order to head to the start line, near the Bandstand



As expected, it was busy, with plenty of people milling around in the sunshine.


The focal point was the '500' milestone, and as it was a little breezy we needed some volunteers to hold the numbers still so people could take photos


The clear skies last night meant there was a hard frost, and it was decidedly chilly out there this morning. It was apparently 1C, but felt like -4C!.

Needless to say, I has ALL my layers on today, coat, hat gloves... everything. I still had shorts on, but tthat was a touch and go decision before deciding to leave the tights at home.

There was a short introduction which acknowledged various peoples milestones (400th run, 2x 100th runs, and someone celebrating their 100th Volunteer, along with the events big 500. And then the crowds were asked to head over to the start line for the event to start.


There were people everywhere. I don't know how many people turned up today, as we still haven't received the results in the email, but I can tell you its the first time I've had to queue part way through as there so many people clogging up the paths.

To be fair that wasn't helped by me starting a lot further back than usual. What with the injury and general lack of training, I wasn't going to push too hard to day, and was just happy to take part

Image Source - Graeme Reynold's Flickr Album

I did find a photo of me online (in the middle of the shot, red coat and hat), from one of the volunteer photographers there to celebrate the milestone - I look feckin' awful in it, but it is at least a rare picture of me taking part in an event, so I might as well include it!!


As the crowds thined out, I pushed the pace a little bit, and then after 30 minutes or so I crossed the finish line in 241st position.

Again, not sure on actual finish time yet as still not received the race results yet. I also don't record the race itself, as it just a small part of the longer 14km run that I did


After a couple of minutes to catch my breath, I got my parkrun barcode and token scanned in for the results, and then I turned and started to head for home

14km is the longest run I've done in nearly 3 months (the last I did further was 22km back in October), and I'm really pleased with how my body feels, and more importantly, how my hip feels. Obviously its starting to feel a little sore but I'm convinced its on the mend, and as I up the distance in training and keep up the stretching, it will get better and better.

[Still no results section, waiting for the email, will update here with time/stats when I receive it]


I finally received my email result:



I was surprised to sneak in under 30 minutes, partly as I ran slowly, and partly due to the crowds which meant I had to walk some of the earlier sections.

I did finally manage to tick off January, so I've now started one of my resolutions, just eleven more months to go... I do plan to do February as soon as I can instead of leaving it to the last minute again!

Once home, I quickly got showered and changed, as I was due to dog-sit for my Dad, while he goes to watch a football match between Brighton and Everton. I'm going to be here all day, but its ok, as I've got snacks and the dog Lola to keep me company!


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All Photos taken by @dannewton unless otherwise stated.
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In winter, when the sun rises like this, it's a special day and more walking is done because the sun is relaxing again.


1 parkrun event every month. That is a huge goal but I am so sure it is achievable with the right dedication spirit


Well, its a small compared to other people who try to do it every week (so 52 times in a year!)

But even the small goals are useful, and can help us build up to bigger ones.

Have you got any goals that you are working towards?


Well done! That's quite a milestone for the event, but having it too crowded may not make for good running. Only 102 at mine and I was also returning after a break. I have done them in every month, but it took a while to achieve that as I was less regular when I started. It was a lovely morning here too, but that low sun can be annoying.

I walked to and from mine, but it is not too far. I am just lacking the energy for extended runs for now.



yeah well, its crowded at the average turnout of 320, 507 turned up yesterday!

The important thing was to get it done, and I'm happy enough with that even though the time was disappointing

I walked to and from mine, but it is not too far. I am just lacking the energy for extended runs for now.

That's ok, time on feet is just as important, and can help prepare you for those longer runs in due course



A great sunrise for your first parkrun for the year and they even through a party! Celebration events get crowded out here too, we tend to stay away but have been to a few. !BEER


I usually try to avoid the big events, but after the last 4 weeks of excuses... saying no to this due to being 'a little bit busy' sounded a little silly

Next weeks parkrun should be a little more comfortable !LOL
