Midweek running update - consistency is key


Its time for another mid-week (ish) running update. I'm pleased to report that I'm still keeping it consistent, and keeping up with the regular sessions.

Its been pretty easy this week as the weather has been pretty stable and consistent too. It has been chilly at times, but no ice and no rain. The strong winds from the last couple of weeks appear to have died down too!


The session on Monday was actually very similar to the run from last week, and featured the same easy day working at home. Last week I logged out sharpish at 4pm and headed straight out, whereas today I couldn't quite manage that.

While working, we have our usual day to day task, along with random ones that get dished out by supervisors when required. I was unlucky to be given a urgent job to do just before I logged out, and although I could've waited until first thing Tuesday morning I decided just to get on with it. I got it sorted and sent back, and was able to log out at 4:25, so not too late I guess.


I suddenly remembered that I had a parcel to drop off at the post office, so I got all my kit on, grabbed the parcel and headed out for the start of the run. The post office is just in the village, just 5-10 mins away, so it was simple enough to hand it in to the clerk (already had a label etc) and then I could crack on with the run itself.

Same as last Monday, I chose to do the loop down through Brant Toad, and back up via Waddington to head back home. The session felt identical to last time, nice and easy running. It was darker though due to the later start time, but I had a headtorch when required

Total distance for the week: 12km


For Tuesday, I was back in the office. It was a really busy day as Tuesdays is the day we do the payment run to get invoices paid, and there's various checks we do as part of that. Before I knew it, the clock said 5pm and we all started to head for home.

As I'd been sat down all day, I chose to not bother with the first bus of my journey home, and instead walk from the office down the hill to the bus station:


It felt good to stretch the legs and get some fresh air after spending most of the day staring at a screen. And it was helpful to get the blood circulating again as I would be running later this evening. I got home a little late as the 2nd bus was delayed slightly, but without wasting too much time, I quickly changed and headed back out:


After the long-ish 12km run on the previous evening, I wanted something easier and shorter, and so went with 6km out and back along the bypass.

Total distance for the week: 20.5km (18km run, 2.5km walk)


For Wednesday, it was another day back in the office. The difference would be that my friend who works in a different office, also travels to work on the bus on Wednesdays

she spends the other 4 days working at home, not sure I'd want that to be honest!

But anyway, its a chance to have a bus-buddy and we get to catch-up and/or bitch and moan about how work sucks. Except today she was feeling unwell, so stayed at home instead. Slightly disappointing as I enjoy her company, but nevermind.

I would usually finish earlier than normal so I can get the same bus home with her, but as she wasn't there, I had no motivation to do that. The early bus is always jam-packed, so I prefer to wait til the later bus as its quieter.


However, slightly unplanned I ended staying later than planned, talking to the managers about a possible vacancy appearing in the next couple of weeks. I've been in my role now for 3 1/2 years and I'm getting a little well, not bored as such, but I fancy a change.

Anyway, I was so distracted talking that I didn't realize the time. I ended up missing the bus into town, so I walked down to the bus station. I then ended up missing my second bus by all of 2 minutes... checking the timetable I realized the next bus was due in 45 minutes, and I know I can walk home in 50 minutes easily enough.

So instead of sat around waiting and getting cold, I plugged my headphones in and walk all the way home.

It was actually really nice in the end. It wasn't raining, and I got an opportunity to think about all the information about the potential new job role, and whether it will be suitable for me to apply for it.

Total distance for the week: 28km (18km run, 10km walk)


Well, after all that happened on Wednesday, Thursday was a much quieter affair!

After an easy work day at home, and finishing only a little late at 4:15, I went out for another medium-ish kinda run.


After the route on Monday, I wanted to do ome thing different tonight, but still aim for 11-12km if possible. After a quick think, I chose to run down the A607 to Harmston and back. Its a quiet path through some small villages, and its been awhile since I've bee down here to be fair.

I did a couple of loops around Harmston village, and then headed back home for an easy 12km

Total distance for the week: 41km (31km run, 10km walk)

31km for the week so far is pretty good, and I'm still building the mileage up slowly but consistently.

Friday will be a rest day (but I will still walk somewhere, whether part of the commute to or from work, or just to the shops in the evening. Saturday will be long run day, and I think this time I will NOT got to parkrun, and instead I'll do a longer run somewhere else. In the evening we are going to visit Dad to celebrate his birthday, with Pizza, cake and then watching football.

That reminds me, I've got his present and wrapped it, but I still need a flamin' card from somewhere!

Anyway, thats enough for now. I'll be back on Saturday, and we'll see where my long run ends up taking me!

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All Photos taken by @dannewton unless otherwise stated.
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Definitely cheering on the consistency - you seem to be enjoying it so that's the main thing!


Well I spend most of my working week sat on my arse, so need to get active as much as I can to compensate.

The routes around here are a little boring, and I'd much rather be out in more interesting surroundings, but beggars can't be choosers, and I'm happy enough just to get outside and moving in the fresh air


Aint that the truth, hey - sitting on one's arse is bad news all round. As my Dad used to say 'ya gotta keep moving', and as I say, 'ya gotta get the chi flowing' - or the blood, as it were.


Reading your schedule list, it must have always been choky for you. Hope you always have time to rest also because health is wealth


Yep no worries, there's time for resting too... i spend my working days sat in an office, so need to make the most of time outside where I can!
