Monday Run - 6km (easy effort + countdown begins)

@dannewton just finished a 6.31km run, that lasted for 38 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 517.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Its yet another Monday, and as usual it was a day spent working from home.

I do prefer it like this, as an easy way to ease into the start of the working week!

It was a fairly non-descript day to be fair, other than the fact that that we are starting to prep for the end of the financial year, and all that really means is we make sure we are on top of everything, and make everything is cleared before we can go home... That can result in some late finishes, but we were super organised today, and finished sharp at 5pm.

This of course meant I was able to get changed, and head out to do my usual monday run, its the start of the week of course, and I want to get off to a good start.

The run was (once again!) the usual bypass route for approx 6km. I do hope to do a couple of longer runs this week as I'd like to pick up the mileage, but that all depends on the work situation, as we could be potentially be finishing late all week. I did feel good out there today, and was able to improve on the pace compared to the last couple of weeks

And just intime too, as my upcoming 'race' is now less 2 weeks away!

I say 'race'... I do really mean 'running event', with my current fitness levels, I'm in no shape to race it or push for a decent time.

When I originally booked the place in October last year, the aim was only ever to take part and do something fun. I've entered 4 times before, but the last time was over 10 years ago, so I just fancied doing it again.

I had hoped I'd have been in a more competitive position,, but to be honest, just the opportunity to take part with other like minded people, along with the crowds, will be reward enough. And with the recent spate of injuries/setbacks, I suppose I'm lucky to be doing it at all!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)



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I find a 6km run is a nice distance to just get out there for a bit. It doesn't wear you out too much. I will only enter events for fun as I'm not going to really compete with even people older than me. It's fun to run with a big crowd now and then. You usually get to take over some roads. Enjoy!



it's usually a case of 'race against yourself' and an attempt to try and get a PB, but yes, I mostly do it to enjoy the experience

Do you have any races/events booked this year?


I've not booked anything yet, but I may do the local 10k again. I skipped last year as I was not feeling at my best. It's not until October, so I have plenty of time. There are loads of events not too far from here, so I could try a different one.


I really love the fact that you did not take your exercise with levity hands. You always faced it squarely and I really love it


2 weeks is plenty of time to sharpen up for a 10 k event, you have a good base. I reckon you will do well.


Ah well, in these next 2 weeks I'll just be building up to actually running 10k again!

Feels like I've lost so much

I do have a half marathon planned in the Autumn, that will be a bigger focus for my training

Do you have any events planned this year?
