The Killing Fields


In my over 40 years of playing and following sport around the world I have never seen so many top athletes in peak physical condition struggling with breathing related issues. There has to be something far more sinister at play as these are not just one or two cases. Why is everyone keeping quiet about this as though it is nothing?

Over the last year I think we are starting to realise there are many underlying issues with the Covid vaccinations. I am not sticking my head in the sand with this as what other explanations can there be for the sudden increase in heart attacks?

I am talking about televised sporting incidents where payers are collapsing like flies. This used to be so rare making headlines when they happened. Over the last 18 months we have seen our fair share of weird events unfold on the screens.

The sad reality these are not the only ones as the players at practice sessions are also dropping like flies. If one looks around doing their research just this year 75 players have had heart attacks.


This list is the tip of the iceberg as here are another 4 pages to add to this. 108 FIFA players and coaches have passed away in the last 6 months. It could be understandable if coaches being over 70 and being the bulk of the list, but this is not the case.

Video shows Richard Harward being carried/dragged off the basketball court.

Richard Harward a NBA player collapsed on court on November 16th and had to be carried off suffering breathing difficulties. This was 2 weeks after his Covid jab resulting in myocarditis which is an inflammation of the heart. This is one known side affect of the Pfizer jab and why they have bought out another vaccination for this ailment. What do you say to an athlete in their prime now as a sorry has just robbed them of their careers. 3 days ago another basketball player suffered a heart attack on court. The images are too disturbing to post so will leave it as just that.


Worrying figures indeed and a trend that seems to be increasing. More research is definitely required as this is definitely not normal and could be what we would call friendly fire from the bigger picture of Covid vaccinations.

It is easy to hide figures in covid stats not highlighting all the extras that are related due to being jabbed. No one really paid much attention to when Erikssen collapsed with a heart attack at Euro 2020 earlier this year as everyone thought it was a freak being a once off. This is not the case as many players of various ages have had to now stop playing due to various heart conditions. They are the fortunate ones who survived to speak up about their experiences.



It is very sad, and it is desperately held back by mainstream media, I know of 5 amateur Belgian players in the last few months… it’s a massacre


Yes, and its only the professional players where the collapses are on TV that are making it into that statistics.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of young, fit, healthy people being killed by a jab against a disease that the 99% of victims are very old with multiple serious co-morbidities.

It is sacrificing our children because of irrational panic by elders.


Whilst continued and deeper research is needed, let me turn it around. Why are you equating the deaths to the vaccine? Why not un diagnosed Covid which we know for a fact causes lung issues and which we also know, is often asymptomatic in the young.

Its dangerous to create correlation with so little information. I did check down some of the list of names and the only thing that immediately sprang out were their young ages.

Kalen Leavy had a known medical condition that his parents did not want disclosed according to Coroners report, no mention of whether he was jabbed or not.

However, as endocarditis, myocarditis, or pericarditis are rare but documented possible side effects, surely the first thing, especially in the very active would be to recommend abstinence from vigorous exercise for a few days although some exercise is good to reduce inflammation.

Who know! Common sense and monitoring is the key I think.


Good point!

Actually, a lot of the best studies into the long term health impact of Covid have involved high performance athletes.

As I've commented above, to make a comparative study you need a reliable set of data from before and after and as high performance athletes' health is always being examined and documented (pre and post pandemic) they make a really good group of people to study. I'm sure sooner or later some peer reviewed information will become available as to the impact of vaccines on the health of high performance athletes


Are you familiar with the work of Americas frontlines doctors(US), or the WHO whistleblower Astrid Zuckelberger, or the 5th Columna doctors in Spain reporting graphene oxide for the first time, or countless other doctors trying to report the side effects of the jab like doctor Vernon Coleman,?

Have you also heard of D dimer test on vaccinated people, and what it means?

I think that what's dangerous...Discarding the VAERS reports, discarding the deaths.
They aren't "rare side effects", they are underreported for a reason. You are smart, I know this.

You are completely, a 100% playing their hands, that's frightening, I don't blame you, that is what most people do, out of fear of being different. Again, no hate on my part, my parents, are both vaccinated, I am not going to stop speaking to them haha. But it's sad, because we might be tainting the entire world with experimental gene therapy.

Sorry to be blunt, I like you very much and hope not to come off too aggressive, I don't normally engage on that subject, because it's a hot potato.

Thank you @cryptoandcoffee for speaking out, it's really brave, and so rare in today's society, where anyone questioning the official narrative is being hushed like a child, or called crazy.

Thanks so much!!


I will be doing further reading thank you for that! As for discussing this very emotive issue, I enjoy engaging with people who want to discuss and debate and who I know I'd still be able to sit and have a beer with afterwards with mutual respect and friendship still in tact :-)


I will continue to enjoy having discussions with you, and enjoy reading your content too!
Right now, the world is such a chaotic place, if we can at least listen to each other a little, or even just get along without agreeing on everything (around a beer) that's all that really matters haha.

If you don't mind we will have to have that beer outside of the bar, because I am not welcomed in 😄


Any attempt to suggest this is related to COVID itself runs into the huge problem that this has only occurred in 2021 and tracks the rollout of the jab.

It was not happening in 2020 when there was plenty of COVID.


I am not saying it is one or the other at the moment as I don't know. We have had no stats or highlighted stats from all the other years but this is worrying all the same. I have seen 3 players suffer breathing issues during live games recently which is odd. 1 plus 1 is not making 2 and it would be nice to know what is causing this sudden spike. Is it the vaccine or is it something related or unrelated? Is it a side affect of having covid at some point and not the vaccine itself? Why did Pfizer bring out another vaccine to help with heart inflammation if it was not a problem? I think it is great we are all talking about it though as at least we are aware.


Great post!

It is amazing how people will try to find other explanations for this huge upsurge in athlete deaths 2021 in order to avoid the answer that is staring them in the face.

I've seen the media suggest it is because of weed - as if professional athletes are big users of weed (a performance depressing drug) and as if there is any difference in their use in 2021 rather than any other year.

Then I see people saying its undiagnosed COVID, but this upsurge in deaths in only in 2021 and tracks uptake of the jab. There is no increase in these heart related deaths of athletes in 2020 when COVID was just as prevalent.

This is a huge increase in deaths that is undisputed by official sources.
This is something that is hard to hide because the collapses and deaths and are occurring in televised games.

There is only one explanation - The JAB IS KILLING PEOPLE - young, fit, healthy people that had zero risk of COVID itself.


It is amazing how people will try to find other explanations for this huge upsurge in athlete deaths 2021 in order to avoid the answer that is staring them in the face.

I'd say its more amazing that people look at some rather dubious 'statistics' and jump straight into a causation/ correlation fallacy.

I won't attempt to persuade anyone with conclusions here, I'll just leave you some thoughts to debate and digest.

I used the word 'dubious' in respect to the given statistics as there is absolutely no definition to the numbers presented.

Are we looking at people under 30 ? over 12? Men and women? And while I touch on this, you'll notice the list is all male except one. Is this because your vaccine theory only effects guys or is it because mostly guys do sport?

Many of the sports are different, do some require more physical effort than others? There is no baseline for you to create a valid argument!

The other point is, without examining death records of every one in the world who died, we don't know who has died during a sporting activity or not and we have no idea of underlying health problems.

The fact is, that for many people, until they saw Christian Eriksen keel over, they had never given people in sport who might die, a thought, and now its pushed well into the public psyche and there are many more publicised reports to read up on. Eriksen factually had not been vaccinated, but looking down the list presented to us. we don't know about most of those cases. Some of the people on that list weren't even partaking in a sporting activity at the time they were taken ill!

As for statistics on sports people dying from heart issues, there re very few available but you may wish to consider this report and its key conclusions from 2016. This is NOT a new phenomena, only a more widely reported one.

Finally, a real-life anecdote.
My friend Carl was 24 and had a known congenital heart defect from birth and despite warnings all his life to be careful, was a keen hiker and scuba diver. In 2008, On a gruelling hike around Chiang Mai his heart just gave up and he died before help arrived. He didn't make the news as thousands of other such cases don't. (If you want his full name and link to verifiable details, hit me up on discord!)

In the US alone, it is estimated that over 1million children live with some form of CHD.

Whilst I'm never going to claim the vaccines definitely have zero effect or are the silver bullet they were claimed to be, I absolutely denounce the usual headline hysteria and unfactual, badly (if at all) researched pseudo science surrounding this particular issue.

As we discussed once before, my objections are always about the presentation of information which is done in such a way to sensationalise it because we all know, that far too many people in this world create lifelong held beliefs from simple headlines without researching the background information or context for themselves, due either to laziness, lack of ability to do so, or a combination of both!

Hope I find you and your family healthy and happy, counsellor and best wishes to you :-)

@edprivet, this is kind of an answer to your reply too mate, sorry for being lazy but I'm shit at organising my thoughts into words so this is the best I could come up with for now! Apologies from you are not required.
'Opinions are like arseholes, we all have one'. Therefore I conclude, we're all arseholes together lol ;-)


Thanks for the mention haha, you misspelled my tag so I would have missed it buddy. I think it's a long conversation, that could go on forever.

I truly believe that the truth will eventually prevail, whichever truth it is, as it cannot be stopped. 😄 Good luck on your journey to find your way my friend.


More professional athletes died in 2019 would you believe so it's all just spin. Also Inter Milan confirmed Erikssen was not vaccinated before the Euros.


Rubbish! Provide your sources.


@apshamilton about Cristian? Reuters. Inter director Giuseppe Marotta confirmed Eriksen wasn't vaccinated when he left them for international duty. The other point Professor Sanjay Sharma, leading sports Cardiologist. Article in the Athletic .


Where are your stats for more 2019 professional athletes dieing?

Please provide evidence of claim.


The data is from a source that is asking people to report "athlete" deaths so should we be that surprised that the numbers are rising compared to a period when no one was asking the same question?

I have some experience of working with medical data and I very much doubt whether many if any death certificates issued in the western world would list the deceased as an "athlete" so it's just not possible to extract accurate or comparable data and come to any conclusion that more young "athletes" are dying.


These should call for concern and no wonder some EPL managers are calling the FA to look into players physical warfare amid tight schedules.


This certainly should call for massive adoption but I don't think people are really paying attention


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Mehn...this is scary and terrible. Shockingly, the big media houses aren't discussing this.

Should one be worried about these so-called vaccination?
