Rutina de ejercicios en casa para trabajar y fortalecer los brazos con ayuda de unas botellas plásticas de refresco / Exercise routine at home to work and strengthen your arms with the help of plastic soda bottles
♥️¡Hola comunidad de Hive!♥️
♥ ️Hello Hive Community! ♥ ️
Bienvenidos a mi Blog @cristzullys
Bienvenidos a mi Blog @cristzullys
Hello dear friends of the @Hive and @FullDeportes community, I hope you are well this week. I really hope that this new year gives you everything you want and I invite you to continue working on our health to see ourselves and feel good, in this way and very grateful I want to share with you today an exercise routine at home to work and strengthen your arms with help of some plastic bottles of soda. let us begin...
Rutina de ejercicios en casa para trabajar y fortalecer los brazos con ayuda de unas botellas plásticas de refresco / Exercise routine at home to work and strengthen your arms with the help of plastic soda bottles

Extensión de tríceps con botella / Bottle Triceps Extension
For this exercise, we also stand with our feet slightly apart, holding the bottles and bringing them back to the head. We can also do it with a single bottle, everything will depend on our resistance and thus we progressively increase its intensity and weight. This exercise can be performed 6 to 10 times the movement in 3 repetitions.
It is an immense pleasure to be able to share this exercise routine that I do daily at home with the intention of continuing to improve the resistance in my entire body and in this way to improve my lifestyle, which is extremely important to enjoy good health. We only need good health, a positive attitude and the desire to eat the world to achieve our dreams regardless of their size, because anything is possible. Without a doubt, exercising helps us in many things, but above all it helps us to stay stress-free and also contribute to our self-esteem and emotional health, so if you are about to start, do not wait for Monday, the time is today. I hope it works for you as much as it does for me. See you in a next blog loaded with more good vibes for everyone.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad / Tomadas con mi equipo celular UMIDIGI 7S con la ayuda de mi novio y gran amor @jonayegres90
All photos are my property / Taken with my UMIDIGI 7S cell phone with the help of my boyfriend and great love @ jonayegres90