Snowboard Lessons
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I had a proud moment where my son really tore it up snowboarding in his lessons!

Snowboard Lessons
Coming from a life of skateboarding and snowboarding, one of the things that I have had mixed feelings about is my son getting into some of them because of the damage I've done to my body by doing it. It's not so bad for me at the moment but I wonder how it's going to progress as I get older lol.
One of the things that I knew I for sure wanted to have him at least try so that I would have someone to join me, is snowboarding!
Snowboarding is one of the things that I still am able to remain doing even though I've had my fair share of issues with injuries, though nothing as crazy as a broken leg or anything but I've had other minor ones related to my wrists and stuff. With snowboarding though, it's a lot easier to do it in a relatively safe manner as long as you're keeping your balance and enjoying yourself you can have a lot of fun and end up doing a great job. My son is of course a damn natural! Lol
I haven't been seriously snowboarding in a few years, I think it's been about 3 years since I've gone and so I was eager to get back out there, especially when my wife told me that she would be buying my son snowboarding lessons for the winter as a way to get him some fun and exercise, and also learn some more skills that he can look forward to using as he gets older!
One of the skills you can see him refining below is flirting with the ladies LOL the little shit! He made a new friend, the little girl there and they were good mates by the end of the weeks of lessons. We didn't end up connecting with the parents but that's okay. The kids had fun, that's all that matters to us!
Being a kid that's got a lot of natural talent when it comes to balance and sports, he really did well with snowboarding and the lessons despite his age being younger than a bunch of the other kids that were taking lessons. This was both good and bad for him because he didn't have as much control of his emotions and ended up getting frustrated and crying because he couldn't go down the hill top to bottom without falling yet. I get where he's coming from, as I wanted to also do that when I was learning but I also learned many years after the age that he's learning it lol so that's a bit of a difference there!
He did manage to have a couple really good runs though which was nice! He went down a few times and only fell two times so that was great to see, although he won't see it that way, I was totally proud of the little fella!
He doesn't understand how lucky he is though! Lol
Queue the old man voice..
When I started snowboarding, these things didn't exist! LOL They are called "magic carpet" because it's essentially a conveyor belt that brings you from the bottom of the hill to the to the top of it. When I started this didn't exist yet but damn is it a good invention! I love using that to go up the hill, it makes it so much easier lol.
When I started snowboarding the only tool that we had was the rope tow system. It's actually on the left there but it's not running at the moment. To the left of my son's helmet, about 6 inches to the left in the picture is a rope going down from the pole. The rope tow system was what it sounds like: a rope that runs on a pulley system and you have to grab onto the rope and hold on for dear life and hope that you a) don't fall, b) don't get tired and have to let go c) don't accidentally pull the rope way off to the side and screw it and everyone else up lol. The struggle with the rope was real!
Eventually some people did an improvement to the rope tow system where they put little grips on them so you would just grab a grip and hold on and it would tow you up. That was still a few years into my snowboarding journey that it came around. We used to just have raw rope and hope you got up to the top to then go back down! It was pretty funny to watch but I digress..
It was really good to see the little man out on the slopes though! I love being able to get him out there and share something that was really special to me as a kid growing up and letting him learn it himself. I'm hoping in a few years that we can go together and enjoy a few hours of time on the slopes! The bunny hill here is a lot of fun but it will be nice, albeit a little sad, when he can go up to the tops of mountains with me and hold his own on the way down! I think that's still a couple years away but it's still something to look forward to.

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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I regret not ever trying snowboarding or even skiing when I was younger. Now at almost 50 I feel that opportunity has passed me. Hey inner tubes and sleds were fun.
Good you got your young fellow into it. It will keep him busy for winters to come hopefully.
Inner tubes and sleds are still fun man! I hear you on the opportunity passing, I don't know if I would get into it at my age now but there is some good to be had if you try to get into it! Excellent exercise and coordination once you get it down.
We are trying to get him out more and have different things. He's an outdoors kid through and through but in the winter it's challenging so this will be good to have for next year!
I know people older than 50 who snowboard, its never too late in my opinion
Dude cmplxty jr. has grown so much lol! Look at him snowboarding now! He's a natural thanks to his father's years of skateboarding hehe!
WTF is that carpet dude for real?!? I snowboard but never seen one of 'em! We still use lifts over here!
Dude don’t remind me of how much he’s growing lol! It’s so fast sadly.
The carpets are awesome! They have them in the beginner trails a lot of places now and it’s so much easier than what I dealt with as a kid lol
Had to fall 100 times till I learn how to use that annoying lift you put between you legs hahaha! Everything is so easy these days man for real!
Lol I’ve only used the thing between the legs a few times I actually forgot about that one! We used to just have a regular rope and you had to hold on tight hahaha and hope you don’t lose grip. By the time we were done, we had some great grip strength!
How great is it to see kids try something new and have fun while doing it! While skiing and snowboarding isn’t something I have been able to introduce my little ones to yet, I really should.
Awesome family adventure and no injuries!
Thanks man! I would recommend if you introduce either, wait until they are about 6 or so. Their legs aren’t strong enough in my opinion until about then and it could hurt them. We wanted to do it sooner but we read numerous places to wait a bit. Skiing has never been something I’ve done besides cross country skiing and even that it hurt my knees a lot lol so I can’t imagine it would feel good but I know a bunch of people that love it.
It’s definitely great to expose them to stuff like this! They will certainly appreciate it more as they get older I think!
he could become the King of Snowhive!
Thats amazing, what snowboarding is all about. Sharing the joy with other people, hope you son loves for years to come