RE: Poor Performance for the Brazilian National Team and Racial Issues: Why Was Vini Junior Not Chosen as the Best in the World?

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The truth is that I think that talking about racism in the election of the Ballon d'Or is a huge mistake, I also believed that Vinicius was going to win, but that Rodri did it doesn't seem crazy to me either, his poor level and very bad decisions on the field game, especially in the Copa América where he himself seeks that second yellow card that does not allow him to play in the quarterfinals, they speak very well of the problems he has in his head, and how all this ends up taking its toll on him in the end.

In August a Brazilian newspaper did a survey similar to what France Football does, with journalists from multiple nationalies, and surprise, the winner was Rodri!


Yes, it's true, I also believe that his performance in the national team was well below expectations, it's a shame.

Now it’s time to get your head up and keep working to be able to compete in the next season.
