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We are just fine, Marky. Many people you speak to only care about what they get from you LOL. They don't like you, Marky. Well, we think you know that. You have no shame, do you, Marky Marcus? All dogs have their day, haha. We love this game and we will keep playing and sharing the truth you just keep farming and lying you scumbag. Good luck trying to lie about transactions on the blockchain. You need help Marky face it. The people who support you are just as bad as you. Like Steevc and Slobber Solominer and the rest of you Hive farmers.
Via Tenor
Credit: atheistrepublic
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ HiveMe.me!
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TheFartyMark with his twink BuildaShit: A selfvoter on his own shit posts AND shit comments, leeching the reward pool with hundreds of HIVE and HBD with multiple accounts every day (curation rewards) while farming repution on his own BS, who downvotes others doing the same. You're a hypocritical POS... Go fuck yourself DA!🤣
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Our response to marky marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts:
As a prominent Hive witness, your language toward others is disappointing. It's clear that you prioritize farming and managing bots over providing fair and respectful interaction. You have profited significantly from selling votes and have unjustly downvoted numerous users. Your actions are truly disheartening. We hope that others will recognize the truth and join us in praying for you. You are farming, abusing, and manipulating Hive with your burn comments and votes using multiple accounts. Your ongoing behavior will only lead to more people realizing the reality of the situation. It's evident that you are currently powering down your Hive while still exploiting the system for personal gain you are a scumbag. We urge you to reconsider your actions for the sake of your reputation and those supporting you.
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