RE: Golden-at-Bat
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Oh, I thought he was saying the golden at bay rule needed to be applied to the NBA. He was just saying something earth shaking like that. With players being able to be subbed in and out, it wouldn't really work with the NBA. I lost interest when they had the big official scandal fifteen to twenty years ago. Now, I don't really even recognize the sport and new players aren't being taught the fundamentals either.
Oh, sorry about the confusion. I was thinking faster than typing and skipped over that we were switching to baseball. I'll have to go edit that.
You mean the betting scandal? I was vaguely aware of that. I mostly stopped watching when MJ retired. I watched Kobe a little, but despite his very likable personality, I just never could get into following him as much as MJ. But I did go back and watch a few NBA games here and there lately just to see what everyone is talking about. And wow... it is bad... They really need to do something. No one is actually playing defense, there is no inside game, just outside shooting. I don't know. The last time the NBA was in a situation this bad, well, there was the ABA to buy and steal everything from. But they can't do that this time. I'd change the rules to get the defense playing again and do something about the 3 point line. Move it back, ban it, or set a limit to the number of attempts you are allowed.
Yeah, it's really bad for sure. I appreciate that MJ was a good player, but I watched that docuseries they did on him a while ago and he is just a dick. I don't really care for his personality and he just seems like a not very nice person. I don't think they were trying to spin him that way either, that's just how he came across. As I said, the saddest thing is that the NBA style now is trickling down to the lower level's. It's pretty rare to see teams run plays or play defense anymore.
I didn't watch the documentary, actually. But I did read Scotty Pippen's book, and he wasn't complimentary about MJ's personality. I think we always knew MJ was an asshole. I mean he got Collins fired, and it was an open secret that his first retirement and move to baseball was punishment for his gambling problem which had gotten his father killed. He had that typical "I'm awesome and you all suck" attitude that so many really good players have. The NBA just needed a hero so they picked MJ to make their golden boy and he played along. I wouldn't be surprised if Kobe was the same; the NBA also managed his image really well. But with his untimely death, it may be a long time before anyone feels like speaking the truth about him.
I think part of the reason I don't like MJ or Pippen is their animosity towards the Pistons players. I get it was a rivalry, but you've grown up now and hopefully past it. It seems the Bad Boys have, why can't the Bulls?