Little League Baseball Playoffs in central Michigan!

With the summer softball season over for my nieces, it's time to wrap up the baseball season for my nephews. We are all on vacation together right now, but they had to leave for a couple of hours last night for the two boys to play in what may have been their final games of the season.
It's playoff time and there was a lot on the line heading into Monday night.
Unfortunately, my older nephews team had a tough go of it and they fell to their opponent 9 to 2 or something like that. I do have to brag a little that one of those runs were off an RBI from my nephew.
They just needed a bit more offense.
My other nephew on the other hand had quite a bit more luck. With the game on the line he was put in as pitcher. He has been taking some private lessons from a local coach, so it is interesting to see how well he is doing.
He gave us the recap this morning when we woke up.
According to him. "Bottom of the sixth inning", "Game on the line", "I come in to pitch". First batter, strike out. Second batter, walk. Third batter, strike out. Fourth batter, fly out, that's the game.
They continue with the playoffs now and have another game on Wednesday night if the weather holds off. I've really loved watching them play this year.
The games are quite a different pace than the ladies softball games that we have been attending, but this is the learning stage, so in time the pace of play will definitely pick up.
I look forward to seeing how they grow and what they can achieve. I was playing catch with both the boys before their game the other day and the one who is taking pitching lessons can definitely throw the ball. He has a heck of an arm on him.
Likewise, his older brother has some great throws from the outfield, so I think he has a bit of a cannon as well. Just not the control needed for pitching.
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