Lady Lasers End the Summer Strong


As I mentioned last week, I got to drive down state and watch my nephews play some little league baseball. Meanwhile, my youngest niece seems to be between sports right now. She was at the ball fields running this way and that playing with her friends.

She seems to be quite social and usually puts a smile on everyone's face wherever she goes!

It's anybodies guess if she will pick up softball like her older cousins have. I think right now she is just happy playing soccer, basketball, and flag football.

Speaking of her older cousins, The Lady Lasers had their last tournament of the summer this past weekend. It won't be long before they shift into fall softball, but for now, they get a bit of a break. In fact, they are all coming up to Michigan in about a week to hang out and I am really excited about that.

Pool play was very good to the ladies as they didn't have a single loss over the two days of pool play.

They beat Firestix 5 to 1 and then Ohio T3 Mavericks 5 to 1 as well.

Friday, they had two more games with them beating Loco Aftershock 11 to 4 and tying with Steel City Athletics 2 to 2.

That gave them a relatively high seed for bracket play. They ended up getting a bye and having zero games on Saturday before they played an early 8 AM game against Cincy Doom Premier. 8 AM has never been a kind slot for them and the Cincy Doom team has been a bit of a thorn in their side.

They ended up losing 4 to 6.

It was a single elimination tournament, so that was the end of their weekend.

It's a bit interesting though because there is a player on the Cincy Doom team who used to play on the Lasers Scarlet team. She got cut a season or two ago and since then she has always played really well when they face the Lasers.

It's like she has some chip on her shoulder for getting cut. The problem is, if she had put in that much effort when she was on the Lasers, she probably wouldn't have gotten cut. It's great that she is finding a way to excel and improve herself, but don't make up some kind of beef where one doesn't exist. You know what I am saying?

Like I said, I just find it funny because I have heard her parents say things like "see what you missed out on". Sure, sure pal, but look at all the nothing she did the previous four years!


That was my sports for the weekend!

Tomorrow night I get to go watch my other niece play in a volleyball tournament.

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced
