Everyone gets a trophy!


Last night I got the chance to go watch my nephews play some little league baseball. I have to admit, it was a bit excruciating. It has been so long since my nieces played softball at that level, I kind of forgot just how tedious it is.

To be fair, the kids are still learning and a lot of grace should be afforded to them. You absolutely can't question their effort. It's just a bit funny when the catcher can't even make the throw back to the pitcher!

To be fair, that was mostly my younger nephews game. The game my older nephew played in was a bit faster paced and also a bit more fundamentally sound. They were still throwing the ball around when they would have been better off just holding it, but you live and you learn.

At the end of the game we got to watch the kids participate in the trophy ceremony, it was quite fun to see the excitement on their faces. To be fair, there were only two teams in their league, so they were going to get a trophy no matter what. It just so happens that they only lost to the other team once during the season, so they got the first place trophy.

After what has been a pretty hot and humid week here in Michigan, it was actually a quite pleasant evening. The sun was dancing with the clouds and a nice breeze from the north had cut the humidity down to practically nothing. I actually found myself getting a bit chilly in my shorts and t-shirt!

Both games were happening at the same time, so we had to leave my younger nephews game and I am not sure if they won or lost. What I do know is that he did a great job of pitching when it was his turn. He just needs to get a bit more confident swinging the bat. There were quite a few pitches that were basically sitting on a "T" for the kids and they just wouldn't swing!

My niece is playing in her last softball tournament of the summer season this weekend. It's hard to believe we are here already. Thankfully fall ball is right around the corner and t hen she will be shifting into basketball mode for her senior year of that sport.

Action kicks off today at 9:40 AM as the Lady Lasers take on one of the Firestix teams up near Cleveland, OH.

After that they have another game at 11:20 AM today against a T3 Mavericks team. I hope they have a good showing today and the bats are all warmed up!

Tomorrow they have games at 2:40 PM and 6:00 PM against Loco Aftershock and Steel City Athletics respectively. It sounds like they are going to be facing some new teams this weekend, so I am excited to see where that leads them.

I'm not sure if this is a tournament or a showcase. I can only assume after pool play there will be bracket play on Saturday and Sunday, but we will see!

I'm going to take a break tomorrow, but be sure to check back next week when I give you all the results. Plus, the Olympics are starting soon. I might just be writing a lot of content about those now that summer softball season is over!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


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To be fair, there were only two teams in their league,

Wow that seems really low.... is there just not enough interest in the area? I never really played soft/baseball a great deal but even in small communities that I lived in they were able to get 6-10 teams together.


They live down in the Flint metro area, so you would think so. They always have plenty of other teams to play during football season. I'm not sure what the snag was in this case.
