A New Era

A the school year gets fairly close to starting, it's a good time to take a look at some softball stuff. You might think wait, didn't we just finish softball? Why yes, but that was summer travel ball. Now we are getting ready to start fall travel ball and fall university ball. It's confusing I know!
My oldest niece is getting ready to start her junior year of university, which is even harder for me to write that it probably is for you to read. I can't believe she is that old already. I met her when she was three and she will always be that sweet little girl to me.
I'm looking forward to seeing her excel on the softball field this year as she has continued to slay her studies. She will be reprising her role in the outfield and as a utility player. Her best friend from the team has since graduated, but I know she will make new friends and as always give it 110%.
Her younger sister will be starting her senior year of high school and like many student athletes, she is already looking towards her career in sports past high school. Earlier this year she made a verbal commitment to Radford University in the southern US to play softball for them.
Unfortunately, at the end of their regular season, the head coach of Radford was let go and subsequently, the entire coaching staff made the decision to also leave. This left a huge opening at Radford and a lot of questions swirling around my nieces head.
Do I look elsewhere? Do I wait and see who Radford hires? It was a very big decision for someone so young. Thankfully, Radford just announced they hired a new coach for the program and it sounds like he is a pretty cool guy.
The accolades for him were plentiful and while she still hasn't officially signed anything, I think my nieces fears are somewhat alleviated. I'm looking forward to seeing how Radford does this year under new leadership. It should give us a little insight into how things might go when she is a freshman at university.
Meanwhile, I will be traveling around the Michigan, Ohio, Indiana region this fall watching both of my nieces play softball.
I can't wait!
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