A huge win for the lady Rocks!

It's been a couple of late nights in the "bozz" household this week. Last night we went to a musical at the local theater. It was a local production of "White Christmas", and while I wasn't expecting too much from it, I was pleasantly surprised.
The night before we got to watch our niece play some basketball for her high school varsity team via the magic of life streaming. Sometime I will have to do a proper post on the streaming service that we have been using since Covid hit. I think I covered it before, but I've learned new info about it over the past several years that others might find interesting.
It was a heck of a game for my nieces team. They came out to a slow start and soon found themselves down by a couple of buckets. Shortly after that slow start, it was almost like a switch was flipped and they were off to the races.
They ended up winning by something like 50 or 60 points. It was almost embarrassing. My niece was really making some good plays and she got what I think is the most playtime we have seen her get. I reached out to her and she said that it felt really good to get so much time on the court.
I don't know if she will ever become a starter, but if she keeps playing the way she has been, there's a good chance she will be one of those players that quickly gets subbed in after the game starts.
I don't have specific stats for her, but I would be interested to see those at some point. She doesn't shoot a ton, but she is a beast on the defensive side of things and an assist machine on offense.
Speaking of being beasts on defense. I saw the news today that Draymond Green of the Golden State Warriors and formerly my Michigan State Spartans got suspended indefinitely for another altercation he had. He's seriously got some issues and I hope that with all his money, he can get some help for that.
Draymond is from Saginaw, MI which is a couple towns over from where I grew up. It's also about fifteen to twenty minutes North of Flint, MI. That town might ring a bell for you due to the water crisis that they are still dealing with.
As rough as they portray Detroit and Flint, Saginaw is just as bad. The East side particularly so. They have their fair share of burned out and abandoned buildings. It isn't an area you want to be alone in the middle of the night.
We used to go over and volunteer at the women's shelter there. As I said, it's pretty rough.
This thug like behavior doesn't necessarily surprise me from Green, but I would have expected with all his success, he might have moved past it by now.
Apparently not.
I did do a bit of sports betting again this past weekend. I am not going to share a full report, but I did win a couple of them and I lost several more. I ended up coming out just a couple dollars down from where I started, so not too bad.
It's going to be a busy weekend with NFL games on both Saturday and Sunday. Plus all the NCAA action that happens this time of year. I'm pretty sure bowl games start this weekend, so be sure to check back tomorrow and Monday for the scoop on all of that!
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