Power accumulaton for smaller players to be able to vote as one group and utilize there own bulk max purchases etc
HI all,
I would like to organize a group that will be able to consolidate the purchases of all the smaller players and get the best deals just like YGG did and air drips will be 50% distributions in property and for ppl who cant get a full promo all will be sold via days and times that the elected trader members watching the markets and who have seen alot and been here for a long time or just know them really well will offer suggestions which will be confirmed or denyed by the dao vote for the LLC to sell or hold and rent. We can also pool for stadiums for GLG get a few instead of me just buying my own we could all get a piece just like land would love a tract dont wnat to spent all the money my self. Its really just smart to pool for investment assets. I will add my assets as the starting value in which people would need to buy in at which are 720K SPS, 200K GLX, 2550 MLSPA staked for next 7.5 million, 18 nodes, 25 plots, 35-40K cards, rare cards with collectible or possible high collectible value. Physical cards: packs from splinterfest VIP and Matts Lord of Darkness from the town hall was given to me by Matt (Thank you Matt) was pretty cool to get it bc even though im a investor first but i also have a purely fun account to play bc i started out in the days of thousands not this many ppl and this has been probably the best choice getting involved in this game. Opened my eyes to so many goood ideas and things the inner nerd loves. I think now for the new players a organized club(alliance) that has its tenticles in any profitable game as well as has a trading and investing division to provide the club with non crypto specific cash flow such as interests in private deals like example Voyager Tax Lein Fund Min inv 50K monthly distirbutions and going into the market for housing we are its positioned to suck up leins and flip properties never missed a distribution and has been 13-19% since inception 5 years ago no leverage either. 52TEN MHP fund which manages mhps one of the asset classes you ay think as low end but i did MHP owners taxes for a long time and they are living large the cash cows give you like 70% bonus depreciation letting you almost never even come close to owing tax and offsetting gains from others. I have done privtae re for 15 years not once have i owed a dime from it lol. Public stocks some individual stocks are ripe for years of likely positive performance like gooogle A, amazon, blackrock (they control 15% of the worlds wealth lol) Blackstone, Innovative Industrial Properties a specialized cannibis reit down form 300 a unit to 80 for just overreactions in my opinion, Alibaba great op there, intel seems like a nice swing, brkb nice stock to write calls on, public storage for some large scale self storeage exposure, indivudual funds that are limited partnerships for self storage as these are usually more profitable if you can analyize the deals. My private deals about 30 have done 20-40% IRR never under that yet. Debt Deals were 10-20% one failure but that was not a complete failure it converted to equity at a lower rate. Start ups small portion like Blockcard the cared im using for SPS to make it spendable i invesred in at a 4 million value its last raise and kicked my options to excersise at .05 a share when shares are a dollar now i beleive is a home run there just doing a massive eu expansion. Also 6.23% back. I also own banker nfts which work with the cards to earn more and offer beenfits. only 1666 availible and 200 millinon users i beleive. Pluse a fixed supply of unbnk so maxed cash back cards may actually be impossible at somepoint and Unbnk has LP pairs right on its dashboard. I am going to go ahead with the debit card test without altering the stable coin which was my plan befofre as well to use runi as the banker nft function but maybe later i want to gert it up and running and we will be opening a store are selves buying and reselling offering 12% in BSJSdcrTokens which will be used to reward large users of the cared by converting it to unbnk or banker NFTs etc at diff ratios to usd depending on your spending tier which is tbd. Also if you decide to become a guild member of our alliance you may find out were not really doing just normal guild things and have alot more going on. Also I dont have a stick in my ass about talking or flip out about posts in the wrong channels like fuck ppl make mistakes and my 3 other partners and I do not tolerate assholes who take away from are vibe of a friendly and open communicaiton say what you want, bring any idea to the table no matter what we may all love it. Doesnt need to be SPL related its jsut are main investment. Most capital is mine right now with about 130K perosnally invested or will have legal title transferred upon formation of the dao and the llc that will protect all dao members from being sued like the one that did get sued which is why all my daos are in a LLC to protect my other assets as many laws are not clear. US and Philipines will be the main operations hubs for us starting as two of the partners are there and will be are heads of operaitons there and myself and another are the US partners. Other members will also be adding capital as well not just me. We should between us 4 have like almost 200K and with significant participation from smaller guilds we can grow into a powerhouse and if you feel like you have bene ignored or dont have enough power to sayanything this could be the way as we will back you if there is a issue as well as are vote will be meaningful and alligned since the fund doing well means all doing well. We will have proprietery data collection and other inteligence methods that willl give us a edge as well as getting into local e sports partherships i Have one near me im goingtot push to gert in and a possible gym as well that is owned by a friend. When we get to the level of say 1-2 million in income a year we can pitch this to a private club im involved in for investing and the members capital there is in the billions so if they are interested its like a min 10 million of interest. That would take us to the next level and at that point any individual here would be awarded sigificant amounts of 5 year warrents per unit european style and the restricted stock would vest over 3 years after. The private investors would not have voting rights and the promote of 5-15% of the returns would now extend to any old member as well as the 1.5% mgmt fee paid by the passive invesors. We can also tap repbulic next which we could deffinately get a possibly reg a raise up to 75 million with a good pitch and if all that works out and we have revenue and profit growth in the various segments, Guild Operations owned and operated, Guild Royalties from sold guilds, guild lease income, Account (Gladious and soulbound only leased to players allowing them to keep all rewards but the soulbound and gladious card won). I cant stress my view at least on sps being the most important as well as glx having the most future potiential with sports being a massive market plus any trial and arror has been learned from and im sure there will be less hicups plus it sounds awsome and stadiums we should concentrate on as well as nodes they are the picks and shovels that will allow us to make moeny off everyone. New game or other game bot farms to raise capital for spl related funds and assets. We will search for similar bots to archmage say in gods unchained, AOG, many many games that are basicall free to play easy to bot and we will have a botting team incharge of bot monitoring and set up. Nodes will aslo be combined stacked and all sps will goto are treasury where are nodes are to get us on the top list to get a massive portion of new vouchers pool, GLX nodes same deal and when the appreaciatre after the fly wheel we sell about half when they hit 5K plus keep half re deploy into rebellion bulk and a few stadiums as well as maybe a tract and buy a done of DECB which we can offer early lqDEC unlocked for a cost of 10% for ppl needing liquidity and we have it and want it cheaper. We need a solid amount as well as opportunistically acquire forge the game is profitable shiro my partner and very skiklled player has been testin a combined account with myself and her and were satisfied with the ROI ot move forward and have a real guild and team dedicated and ppl can play all the games we play we dont limit ppl or kick if you do not perform by x date we help and help you learn and may switch your main fuciton but pay will not change as we all win and lose together just in different amounts like obviously if i put 100K plus in my profit share will be large but the way im doing it is we will set a initial contribution for each level and if anyone cant meet it there will be a loan made by the Treasury to You in stable coins which will carry a rate of 4% plus inflation estimated in the US which is about 10% plus a risk premium of 2% and liquidiy premium of 3% for a 15% loan interest only for a max of 3 years and then the group may also consider contributions as payment in full say you develop a tool we use to save us the exact amount for simplicity and your debt owuld be wiped immediatly and liekly a nice bonus and you would be the project lead which means a larger profit share and other perks. There will never be any more BSJS-Founder Units isssued which have the most favorable return set up but there will be -PS units and SPS units for Profit Share and Senior Profit Share which will significantly raise your compensaiton. Also we will have monthly meetings to raise any issues or potential fixes etc to make us better and anyone will be allowd to present there concern to the whole group and it will be added to the Trello Board to review and the person who brought it up will be the leader making sure they keep it going and request any needed resources to solve the issue. We want to make this group as place where we of course want whales and also understand that smaller players say 25 medium size are just as improtant amd maybe 100 reallt small but want to grow and have the same advantages access to sps delegations to play in tournaments and battles from the whales in the group and we will always make sure it is disocunted for memnbers renting as well and it will always be paid for by invoicing your blockcard so the fee can be paid and you net cash back as well as reward and loyalty programs not just giving rewards but giving committed loyal members basically we will sit down and ask what they want to get out of this or if they are getting all the gmes they want to have access to and if they say no i want to play illuvium(we will be looks sweet) but we will all discuss it and the economics to see if it makes sense to allocate resources and we will likely have a test budget for you to use and see how it works put to gether a plan showing how scaling is posisble and what a 10-20K investment would do for it. As we would love to reduce any botting in spl and bott the crap out of other games that are not related and just are shitty games we can use to get funding bc there goign to die anyway might as well get it into a game that is doing it right ans always has since the beg. Eventually i may be able to sell some spl stock to the clu b once its over 5 million for sec rules then everyone can get some of that as i bought those extra ones for 4 dollars they are worth much much more lol. Capital Preservation and High tax efficient risk adjsuted returns will be are ultimate goal. All cointributions will be made in stable coins and the income form lps and other lending etc all DEXs no CEX lending. This will fund all asset acquisitions no other money will be used to ensure the risk is low but reward high and as the fund deposits 10% into stable coins and reinvests 90% in anyting under the sun we will become a cash flow machine and if say rentals go down we may take a little hit but we have half the club invested in cash flowing real estate so were good we will still get a expected baseline return and in great years destroy it and take profit on all cost plus a 25-50% gain when possible and profits stay invested so were trading and invsting with profits making it much easier to make calls on what to do. We will be undertaking a extensive data gathering project on every guild and player including scraping various chats and all town halls to us AI to pull out and summarize relevant and actionable itmes like a guilds weakness like there not good agianst dragon and we go up agianst them all dragons to get the best win chance. This will take years to devleop but will be like the CIA intellegince hoppefully being able to pull plus connect data about SPL, GLG, SPLF, TD, Other games with SPL players inthem and monitary capabilities based on investments and hive networth as well as networth history every transaction made and put into a ananysis program we can used to answer whether or not say ppl are tapped out and we may be able to get some great deals if there is a promo going on and we offer to buy all the assets of one player at a 20% discount and from chats we see they mentioned they wouold sell there so we dont budge. Or it can identify needs like someone willing to really pay for a gold lux if none are on the market we can propose liek 10K and see if they bite go back wait buy back at 5K as the transaction will all be private. May form a purely private memner only season to month fixed rentals wiith a multitude of accepted payment so we dont take your dec , glx, sps, or other improtant tokens to you we offer a array of choices and you may pick any. Some like DEC may offer a future benefit or current beenfit of say maybe a licesne in GLG as i have 25 of them from my packs lol. ***** Also will be offering private sales of GLG packs for up to 500 packs min 1 with prices at ask but we will allow the use of a debit card assuming it is the block card and you provide the cash back plus 1% extra to cover merchant fees and you would get likelty 4.23% cash back paid in the curation rewards of the the weeek coming likely in massive amounts after are AI ramp up this month which will be under a few hundred accounts so ppl that have it out for ppl in are club have no way of connecting it to harm us. A year form now we expect 1 million -2 million and 2-3 years up to 5 million -8 million at which point we will move onto the next phase gamer related real estate in Rochester NY, Puerto Rico, St Croix, Fl Keys near Miami, Las Vegas of course, Toranto, Manilla HQ will be a owned high rise with a p2p trading floor as the cournty has a huge gamer base and we can steel axie players by jsut offering a better long term deal especially after we start getting backing from the passive partners like a friend and client who would invest 100-200K at that stage and has provided me with hundreds of NFL NFTs for are club so once the they are valued he will actually be the onlt Senior Equity Partner with th possibility as we expand to promote the really dedicated ppl that have proven thety really care about are mission which is to help ppl as well as become wealthy. For example i ahve a perosnal side project to see if i can start a homeless guild where i buy say 5 cheap tablets at first and have ppl play and see how they like it and if they earn i will cash them out for 75% of the value in cash and if they want to be part of the program we weill start one day a week playing all day and meeting up at a building we will call THE CAVE where we have 6 sheds all linked together and insulated as well as cooled to have various rooms for diff purpsoes like the the last room will be the Ganga Bros Premium Cannibis Lounge where we will have a bong display of 50-100 high quality bongs and other cool glass which are deductible as office decorations or paper weights lol. We will be testing the set up of this for a potential 1-5 million dollar acquisition of a mid rise in dt rochseter mixed use building where the intention is to have the bottom 3 floors be all private access with memberships or being a resident. The Memberships will be tiered and offfer differnt commisisons for the p2p trading based on volume form bronze- 100 to 1000 per day- 1.5% cost silver 1% 1000 to 10000 , 10000 to 100000 .5% and 100000 to 1 million .25% above .1%. Also we will have seats but members may bring in there own set ups as there fee rents them floor space for there stuff and to be able to trade direct and quickly as well as off boook private trades with memnbers with a target member list of 100 ppl and those 100 ppl can charge what they want if they say rent there seat but we get 10% of subrents or a membner can buy the seat for 100X the annual rent and the Deed Token with the help of a lawyer will be legally turned over to them with a option for us to excersise a option to buy incase of death or another offer we can buy for a set price by a buy sell formula so the other members can prevent the sale to jsut anyone. We will have the second floor be the licensed cannibis consumipiton and sales floor where we will charge cannibis shops a onsignment commission to have a booth in are lounge or one group can purchase the rights to be the exclusive supplyer for 5 years for 100K plus a 25% share in cash flow profits not cash flow total just profits as well as a 25% equity share in the business in return for equity in the building. We will also make a exclusive deal with NIFTy arcade to provide all guild maanngemnt serivcese to guilds in are alliance and operating out of the building by renting guild HQs on floor 3 built for guilds to meet and review the markets as well as trade with outside dexes and the building internal mkt to take arbitrage. We will have any exchange member that is renting the seat manditorily deposit 10 ounces of gold to cover any misconduct and keep ppl from letting anyone use there seat. Seat owners may charge aditional commision to make a profit on there trades in exces of are commissions but must donate 20% to the buildings private fdn which will be donating to a operating charity created by us as well which each founder gets a cause and mine will be helping abused and resucue animals by hopefully oneday building a luxury shelter in a revitalized building and doggy dayare for the very high end apts all in one area in rochester downtown as well as in garage cardetailing which makes more money that most ppl will make bc i can literally charge 250-350 a car for full details for 1-3 hours hire a indenpendent contractor and bring a mobile desk and chair to work on my crtpro projects while making like 150 ish per car and my job will be eventually passing over leadership and more pay to the perosn taking only say 100 a car then 75 as they grow the team they will get the cut in pay i took bc instead of one were doing 10 then i make 750 to sit there do final reviews. As for my cpa firm i decided i hated it so i stopped but what wi ont hate is outsourcing easy reaturns and easy to me is ones you can do in one day not a month like mine. So i would send for a quote form a tax oursourcing company i own some of and have them do it all then review it and if antthing is incorrrect make sure i call them up go thorugh the mistakes and negotiate a amount off which increases profits. Also Ive been thinking about using a X Craft long range drone of which is anothe company im affiliated with with a small ownership position to look for homes that are not rentals that possibly neeed there driveways powerwashed , gutters cleaned , landscaping etc . take areal shots and refer them to a quality contractor speciallizing for a 25% cut of profits for each job they get from me which i can narrow down by paying a guy on fiver to do a vert preliminarty serach using older pics and google to identify spots that meet buyers criteriea lock up a deal and make sure the buyers will buy and come though. Also for new flippers or owners have a list of ppl for airbnb mgmt with referrals and 10-25% cash payments or 50% equity in that customer and anypayout 50% on thre sale of that customer list. Though all of this we will get leads on ppl sellling orlooking to and we will apporch 1-2 agents thatare my friends first ask if they want theexrra shot but for 35% of there earnings as alot of the effot is done but if they wont pay ill get my license as it seeems like a very easy test atleast for me. Also getting my serise 63 license to literally use a firm to get the rest and pay for them maybe ill gert a few cients but they need to come to me otherwiase ill just trade and work on my investments alll day since i could cafre less about the speal of you will make 100K riht away ill be like im good with a grand and use of the office as money is not my goal from that its to see there systems how eihter good or bad they are what products are being pushed and how to either reccomend it or most likely tear it apart in articles on hive. Start a financial advisor recomendaton and review site with recomended advisors signing a contract ot provide 10% royaltries in perpetuitrty if they servies that customer and for anty new busienss from them. We can then instead of taking the risk they fight us eventually and sell off the packaged deals of royalties etc in a nice bundled up packsage to accredited investors who want that type of thing for a discount rate to determine FMV by discounting all expected future cash flow s by 7%-9% for averagre market returns. Transparancy and security are going to be top priority also where all funds will be stored if pssible unless used in cold storeage wallets and all partners will receive a encrypted seed pharase hidden in plain site with no way of getting in unless thety have the shift key which will do 3 different shifts to the leters to get the actuall words and it will be set up so all 4 partners need to sign plus a board that does not have voting power but will bring concerns and other tihngs the investors are wondering. There will be detailed live financials accessableto all investors down to GL detail and they can compare with the on chian data adn other data bank statements if thet want to. Agreements with related parties such as BCTS Consulting a 100% owned DBA for my licensed accounting firm which will defer costs of initial fees to additional equity later on rather than strapping the company for cash. Also we will be exploring renting to earn from scholars insread of owning and spinnning up guilds in hours if its profitsable overall. The Goal is profit 5-10 per acount per day and at least 75% of battles using NFTY as well as other games that are not offered Kapital DAO for one other. We will also invest a decent amount inthe YGG alliance token and stake it in order to create affiliated guilds and benefit form there assets as we only need 5000 tokens to sponsor are guild with a purchase of 50K to 100K tokens we will be able to earn a alarge portion of YGGSPL tokens and will add more and more until we earned a significant amount related to the total so our voice that does not seem to matter will have to matter bc we now have a stake hopefully larger than any other guild in the alliance meaning we can excersise are influence to improve things and there are somethings need ro be addreesed. Buying now when you can getin so cheap as weill as making sure we expore the holders list and buy more the the largest holder on SPL so we can have a say in YGGSPL and possibly join many of the guidls aready created just by renting decks and paying shcolars so we can use the leveled guild to earn gladioius and soul bound cards and as much yggspl never selling so as ppl do are stake grows and we gobble it up at bid prices. Cartel and ONEUP and SPT are going to be other major investments where we make sure we have a vocie taken seriously by putting down are cpaital to get are say as well as have the truth come out about afew things to ensure that every member sees the public abology as i was never acknoleged there trtying to ignoreme but not a person that gets ignored bc im not owned by anytone and will say and do what is best for my organization and the investments we care about and SPL is one of my investments that I have loved as a investment standpoint bc it has made em alot of moenty nad its fun. Now with what wierd beard has done with all the effort hes put in brawls aregreat there fixing the flywheel issue so when it goes off no one will be ready but the ppl who actually listed and really pay attention to what is emphasized i meand they really subtily tell you prob the best options its best to take that seriously and adjust and why fight the team to when there asking for community help on a proposal if i could right now and wasnt waiting on cash i would but all sps and vote yes in addition to help out all the times they have helped me. THis gorup will also organized the voteing power of all the smaller at the moment players bc we plan on growing them to whales with us and investing in are team. We will be taking a diff approach to recruiting and doing video chats makeing sure pppl know heat they are getting into as we are not normal guild as well as any tax complications and for foreign ppl i will hadnle the use tax return if you would like to file whic hi would reccomend as i must withhold 35% under the us rules. You mayt get it by filing a quick tr to claim this and the tadx credits as well. We will we Hiring certian ppl as employees but rarely only if we can gert tax creidts like the wotc, start up ny eic, also will be applying for the QETC credit for the 20% investment in thr fund crediit so 100K investment = 80K cost once held for ten years and the lock up will be that anyway due to opportunity xone rules to get the fulll benefits of gain deferral and if performing better than others why sell lol. If you invested what i did you would receive a good amount even though im not optimized i still pull in more than i made as a CPA .lol. Soon im hooing for 3-6X based on deck optimiization to get 6 accounts with high win percenteages with the lowest levelst to get there as at somepoint we will have 100 then 500 then 1000 accounts under managment bringing us at 5 a account 5000 per day or 1,825,000 which is when we start looking for real estate to offset all taxes by possibly building a self storage facility that is integrated with mining , solar while credits are areound, and to add to ppls convienence for when they come to play and possibly smoke some legal weed are private two drivers will be driving genesis gv80 and a genesis g90 which basically has every opretion you want so we can have a easy way to sell last minute take home pre rolls which cost 100 a ounce sales price perounce 1600 lol and add some nice pocket size branded holders with qr codes and a similar clone page for the spl bank funding site called thegangabros.com where subscribtions put your weed on a a schedule and make it very easy wehre a order comes in drivers routes update to the closest and how they get paid is they are independent contracters and we sell at 30% below retail and then they must drive a car that is no morethan 5 years old and look like its clean and not at all filthy or rusty as well as have there referral code for future bonuses. We will have the goal of setting up the nexdt one in Mass if this works and in canada all right near me and try varioations like one coulld be club with sexy women no rudness or any form of unwanted contact will mean a imeadiate loss of the 300 dollar deposit you must put donw to enter and receive less fines and buys on the way out. This should deter most. Also many of the dancers do it for a reason not bc the love so if possible we will try and help like if school is what rhere paying for we will give part of there pay in salry related to one night a week wehre they work the coat check on rotation with all other dancers with a arrangement for them where they will stil be paid as if they danced but we will get the tips and cut them a paycheck not taxed and receive a credit if we opay for healthcare, shcool, offer a separate child care facility which is a tax credit as well and can be used as a buiness and get kids interested in playing and may be able to work with a few kids that can influenace others and start a fantasy league though are possible rochester e sports local company. Also possibly put a Vending machine with every random 20-30 purchases one gets 100 splinterlands packs. Rent can be paid in packs or assets like nodes etc. Also every tenat will get a promotion NFC card with are info so weg get the credit with there account linked to give them a bonus of half and if they join the team the refering member is responsible to work withthem and show htem the ropes. Evertone is given a lot of freedom to operate as they feel works for them. FYI 1 if we hit 1-1.5 million were all going to spl fest fully paid for depending on the ppl we will buy vip for all or parnters vip and the rest GA. Hotels and flights will be covered as well as spending money up to 100K all together to celebrate. The next year will be if we hit 5 million we will establish are manilla HQ with all partners getting fulll floor penthouse apts as 4 jet skis to see if the jet ski rental business thaere can be done figurerijng out how to mine and stake with a jet ski if we could use liike 40 fo the apps for the XYO m2e dapp as well as m2e dog collars, m2e shirts that are set up with a address with various SPS, GLX, HIVE staked and set ot auto curate the teams posts and will be paid out to the shirt which will have the pub key and priv keys stored safely encrypted by the perosn purchasing it and we will offer a secondary backup wehre they make up the shift cyphers or whatever method and give us are sealed and locked branded metal peices we sell for 70 a piece. Also branded ledgers from ledgers program s ledger willl be arebranded storggae devise and the new ledger will be ordered asap and old ones willl be recyled to back ups. We will also get the best multi sig wallets to ensursecurity. We will have the team always have two ppl and managment tools alerting us to preset conditions and marekt moves in any of the watched tokens. after a eyar we can compare to hives performance and are hive token index mkt cap modified weights forthe BTC , ETH, LTC cap as 50% less and that will allow us to get into some additional tokens like IOTEX which we will be able ot buy a large stakein , game daos (AOG,GODS,LVL-create GSBSLVLmktMaker DAO to extract profit form rewards and but lvl on bid and add a optionaL Runi slew of addons like the token sack or the portable token miner nft , the SPS Printergoing BRRRRRRR with runis jumping on it. Town Hall text ran though jasper summariozed and made into a picture representatoin sold in 10 copy lots digital and 2 will receive the option to get a phyical verion to for an extra 1K and it will also contain space and if you collect all of them we will have a game that makes phyiscal cards out of charactors generated based on wheat the AI pictures them to be. EThe snap will be takeen 4 times and also only Matt, AGGY Wierd Beard, chatter and bull dog will receive guaranteed copied with a shiny Gold Foil Version a well as the partners will receive a custom SPL box to keep the nfts in good condition for sale one day or having TH Card battles when enough are enlightens and will also offer phstical runi cards made from Laser angraved 10 ounce silver or gold bars if you can afford that and if not coppper , titanium, the gamble where we all takea weeek and pick up a few things that may look cool like say a old small chest whcih we can engrave the runi on top and it can be used to store all of are RFID tagged and also each card will have a qr authentication. Each card will eventually get stats and the most ridiculous buffs to regular decks of cards like a A may get the FOMO blast buy and that causes 1 damage but you lose all your health but one bc your health took a turn and no one will fix you bc no healthcare due ot the token palst which does dmanage every player but takes that care out of commission and we cnd have things like evolving copies of cards so we can modify the original for battle scars and upate its lore as the story takres place so ther will be 100% unique cards. Also the Golden Alliance Banks mission is to be the most powerful bank powered by the issuance of its exlcusive customized debit card and originating debt on most of the land or offering refinancing so that if there are defaults we seize the property we will also lend on cards as well and sart up costs for a guild with 15% interest and a 20% interest in equity for a new guild. Depending on experiance rates may go down but equity will not. THe loan will go for 5 years converting to equity either then or anytime. There will be a escrow account for an earlty termination of the agreement which 5000 dollars is paid to us or everyting in the guild is turnedover cards etc and we also will have insurance on anyshortage. I thinik the meta verse land , real estate brokers, land owners that jsut rent simple roi in spell careds no dec spent stil get cards and u keep that dec and same with packs instead of dec rent careds for packs. Like my account is worth alot and when we hae sps delegaiton ppl will be boned and sps might drop a bit which is one reason im mass converting to glx and it will create alot of value jsut needds to end up the smae ish after 90 days and 20K is mine then will do it smaller unless it loooks good agian and i can swap 2 mill back get 90-100 and get 8 millio glx to swap back 3-4 m sps 3 4 glx and glx i hink will set us up over 5 years as orgs join it may be the best game yet. im agin usijng runis and like a lamma running around
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