Determination Party in the Middle of Boycott Suppoerters: U-19 Indonesian National Team |


Two landslide victories in the last two parties that passed the Indonesian U-19 national team is meaningless if in the last party against North Korea, Fakhri Husaini's children lost. Only group winners qualify for the 2020 U-19 Asian Cup.

The Indonesia U-19 national team won in the previous two matches each 3-1 against Timor Leste and 4-0 against Hong Kong. Indonesia is firm at the top of Group K with 6 points and 7-1 on goal difference. While the closest competitor who is now second in Group K standings, North Korea, collected 4 points from a single draw against Hong Kong and won 4-0 against Timor Leste with a goal difference of 5-1.

That is, Indonesia only needs a draw when against North Korea which will take place on Sunday (11/10/2019). It seems easy, but if careless Indonesia can lose the opportunity to appear in the U-19 Asian Cup.

Coach Fakhri Husaini, said his team had analyzed the strength of the opponent. Although the draw is enough to deliver them to Uzbekistan next year, Fakhri still targets three points for his team. He also has been monitoring the game of his opponent's candidates.

"Opponents of North Korea, we already have a picture of North Korea's strength, because we have been watching live also when they play against Hong Kong," Fakhri told reporters.

He admitted that he was helped by the recording of the match obtained by the U-19 national team technical team so that Fakhri could see the full 90 minutes of North Korea. "This will certainly be our capital, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of North Korea," continued the former Indonesian national team captain.

U-19 national team midfielder David Maulana was already ready to face North Korea. He also reminded his colleagues not to fall asleep with victory in the first two games.

"The victory against Hong Kong is our capital to fight North Korea. I reiterate to my colleagues, there is still one more match, I hope they are focused and remain compact like the game before," says David.

In the last two matches, Indonesia appeared without the full support of the audience, who largely boycotted because they were disappointed with the recent PSSI Congress which took place not transparent. With regard to the attitude of this audience, Fakhri considered the audience inappropriate if the anger towards PSSI was taken to the national team.

The boycott was inseparable from the disappointment of the results of the senior Indonesian national team and the results of the PSSI Congress. Fakhri thinks that it cannot be accepted logically.

"There is a clear difference between supporters loving football or loving PSSI? If you love football, they will not care about the organization," Fakhri said after Indonesia defeated Hong Kong on Friday night.

He considered it strange if the reaction to the federation, but the boycott of the national team. "These are 17-year-old children, they need support. They didn't do anything wrong, but whether or not they were supporters, we would play like that. It will not diminish our enthusiasm,” says Fakhri who presented the two victories to the entire Indonesian community, including the boycotting supporters.

In the decisive match against North Korea, of course, audience support is needed to ignite the spirits of David Maulana et al. If the audience is present, of course this will be a surprise for young people, most of whom will appear at the U-20 World Cup in 2021 to come in Indonesia.

In the midst of the boycott, the Indonesian U-19 National Team was also threatened not to be strengthened by Mochammad Supriyadi who suffered an injury during the U-19 Indonesia national team match vs. Hong Kong. In that match, Supriadi played as a starter. However, he must be pulled out in the 78th minute.

These conditions make Supriadi threatened to miss the last match against North Korea. Fakhri Husaini said he would consult with the medical team regarding Supriadi. "I will coordinate with the medical team on this team. There is a physiotherapist. Of course regarding Supri's fitness, I am waiting for the medical team's report tomorrow morning," he said.

Unlike the previous two matches, the U-19 Indonesia vs North Korea national team match will take place at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta. According to Fakhri, if Supriadi cannot be played, then he will replace him with another player. "If indeed Supri is constrained to be able to appear, of course I have to choose other options and I'm sure and I have 23 players who are all in a condition ready to play," says Fakhri. []

Partai Penentuan di Tengah Boikot Penonton: Timnas Indonesia U-19

Dua kemenangan telak dalam dua partai terakhir yang dilalui Timnas Indonesia U-19 menjadi tidak berarti kalau dalam partai terakhir melawan Korea Utara anak asuhan Fakhri Husaini itu kalah. Hanya juara grup yang lolos Piala Asia U-19 2020.

Timnas Indonesia U-19 menang dalam dua laga sebelumnya masing-masing 3-1 melawan Timor Leste dan 4 – 0 melawan Hong Kong. Indonesia kokoh di puncak klasemen sementara Grup K dengan poin 6 dan selisih gol 7-1. Sedangkan pesaing terdekat yang kini berada di urutan kedua klasemen sementara Grup K, Korea Utara, mengumpulkan poin 4 hasil dari sekali seri melawan Hong Kong dan menang 4 – 0 melawan Timor Leste dengan selisih gol 5-1.

Artinya, Indonesia hanya membutuhkan hasil seri saja ketika melawan Korea Utara yang akan berlangsung pada Minggu, (10/11/2019). Sepertinya mudah, tetapi bila lengah Indonesia bisa kehilangan kesempatan tampil di Piala Asia U-19.

Pelatih Fakhri Husaini, menyebut timnya sudah menganalisis kekuatan lawan. Meski hasil seri sudah cukup mengantarkan mereka lolos ke Uzbekistan tahun depan, Fakhri tetap menargetkan tiga poin bagi timnya. Ia pun sudah memantau permainan calon lawannya itu.

"Lawan Korea Utara, kami sudah punya gambaran kekuatan Korea Utara, karena kami sudah menonton langsung juga pada saat mereka bermain melawan Hong Kong," ujar Fakhri kepada wartawan.

Ia mengaku terbantu dengan rekaman pertandingan didapatkan tim teknis Timnas U-19 sehingga Fakhri bisa melihat secara utuh 90 menit Korea Utara mainnya seperti apa. “Ini tentu menjadi modal kami juga, bisa mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan Korea Utara," sambung eks kapten Timnas Indonesia itu.

Gelandang Timnas U-19 David Maulana pun sudah siap menghadapi Korut. Ia pun mengingatkan rekan-rekannya agar tidak terlena dengan kemenangan di dua laga perdana.

"Kemenangan lawan Hong Kong ini menjadi modal kami untuk melawan Korea Utara. Saya tegaskan pada rekan-rekan, masih ada satu pertandingan lagi, saya harap mereka fokus dan tetap kompak seperti laga tadi," ujar David.

Dalam dua laga terakhir, Indonesia tampil tanpa dukungan penuh penonton yang sebagian besar memboikot karena kecewa dengan Kongres PSSI baru-baru ini yang berlangsung tidak transparan. Terhadap sikap penonton ini, Fakhri menilai penonton tak pantas jika kemarahan kepada PSSI dilampiaskan ke Timnas.

Pemboikotan ini tak lepas dari kekecewaan hasil Timnas Indonesia senior dan hasil Kongres PSSI. Fakhri beranggapan hal itu tak bisa diterimanya secara logika.

"Ada perbedaan jelas antara suporter mencintai sepakbola atau mencintai PSSI? Kalau mencintai sepakbola, mereka tidak akan peduli soal organisasi," kata Fakhri usai Indonesia mengalahkan Hong Kong, Jumat malam.

Ia menilai aneh jika reaksi terhadap federasi, tapi boikot timnas. “Ini anak-anak 17 tahun, mereka butuh dukungan. Mereka tidak salah apa-apa, tapi ada atau tidak suporter, kami akan main seperti tadi. Tak akan berkurang semangat kami," kata Fakhri yang mempersembahkan dua kemenangan tersebut kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk penonton yang memboikot.

Dalam laga menentukan melawan Korea Utara, tentunya dukungan penonton sangat dibutukan untuk membakar semangat David Maulana dkk. Jika penonton hadir, tentunya ini menjadi kejutan bagi anak-anak muda yang sebagian besar dari mereka akan tampil pada Piala Dunia U-20 pada 2021 mendatang di Indonesia.

Di tengah boikot penonton, Tmnas Indonesia U-19 juga terancam tidak diperkuat Mochammad Supriyadi yang mengalami cedera saat laga timnas U-19 Indonesia vs Hong Kong. Pada pertandingan tersebut, Supriadi bermain sebagai starter. Namun, ia harus ditarik keluar pada menit ke-78.

Kondisi tersebut membuat Supriadi terancam absen saat laga terakhir melawan Korea Utara. Fakhri Husaini menyatakan akan berkonsultasi dengan tim medis mengenai Supriadi. "Saya akan berkoordinasi dengan tim medis di tim ini. Ada fisioterapis. Tentu mengenai kebugaran Supri, saya menunggu laporan tim medis besok pagi," katanya.

Berbeda dengan dua laga sebelumnya, laga timnas U-19 Indonesia vs Korea Utara akan berlangsung di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Menurut Fakhri, jika Supriadi tak bisa dimainkan, maka ia akan menggantikanya dengan pemain lain. "Kalau memang Supri terkendala untuk bisa tampil tentu saya harus memilih opsi lain dan saya yakin dan saya punya 23 pemain yang semua dalam kondisi siap main," ucap Fakhri.[]




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