Bagus Kahfi Failed to Arsenal Because from Indonesia?


The Indonesian U-19 national team attacker, Amiruddin Bagus Kahfi, was an attacker who took part in the Garuda Select program in the United Kingdom, January-May 2019. The appearance of this frizzy-haired teenager turned out to invite admiration from Per Mertesacker, a former German national team defender and Arsenal.

Bagus chance to be a young player in the Gunners team. Unfortunately, the dream of grazing in Europe and in the world-class team has not yet come true because he came from Indonesia.

Don't think this is a racist attitude towards soccer players in Indonesia. As reported by Kompas online, Chairman of the English Football Association (FA) Greg Dyke announced plans to regulate the restrictions on the number of non-EU players competing in the Premier League, as well as the enactment of rules regarding coaching young players.

One of them is a work permit for a non-European player is that player is a country player who is in the top 70 of FIFA rankings, and has played 75 percent of the country's national team matches in international matches for at least two years.

That is the problem. At the announcement of October 2019, Indonesia only ranked 171 FIFA, far adrift of Britain which was ranked 4th in the world.

In the UK there are indeed regulations prohibiting clubs from recruiting players from countries whose FIFA rankings are far from England. "He said that Bagus had the ability that for example he was not from Indonesia, Arsenal would have been recruited at that time," said Mirwan Suwarso, a representative of Mola TV.

According to Mirwan, after his retirement, Mertesacker served as Arsenal Academy coach. Arsenal's U-16 team had become one of the opponents of the Garuda Select trial, which at that time was filled by most of Indonesia's former U-16 national team retainer.

Garuda Select lost with a landslide score of 2-7, but Good's performance turned out to attract Mertesacker's attention. Mirwan Suwarso who had met Mertesacker after the match.

Mertesacker went to Mirwan and Denise Wise, the former England and Chelsea national team midfielder who is now the Garuda Select Technical Director. Mertesacker came to praise Bagus while asking the player's name. "(Mertesacker) came to Denise and was known to me, he said 'your forward is very good (your attackers are very good)," said Mirwan mimicking Mertesacker's words.

Mertesacker asked what his name was, Mirwan answered, "Oh, his name is 'Bagus' (read: Good)." Mirwan continued. Mertesacker had said his side was actually interested in recruiting Bagus. above 70.

This is a lesson and momentum for PSSI to improve FIFA rankings so as not to harm the future of young Indonesian players. []

Bagus Kahfi Gagal ke Arsenal Karena dari Indonesia?

Penyerang tim nasional Indonesia U-19, Amiruddin Bagus Kahfi, adalah penyerang yang sempat mengikuti program Garuda Select di Inggris, Januari-Mei 2019 lalu. Penampilan remaja berambut kribo ini ternyata sempat mengundang decak kagum dari Per Mertesacker, mantan bek timnas Jerman dan Arsenal.
Bagus berpeluang menjadi pemain muda di tim The Gunners. Sayangnya, mimpi merumput di Eropa dan di tim kelas dunia belum terwujud karena ia berasal dari Indonesia.

Jangan berpikir ini sikap rasis terhadap pemain bola di Indonesia. Seperti dilaporkan Kompas online, Ketua Asosiasi Sepak Bola Inggris (FA) Greg Dyke mengumumkan rencana aturan pembatasan jumlah pemain non-Uni Eropa yang berlaga di Liga Primer, sekaligus pemberlakuan aturan mengenai pembinaan pemain muda.

Salah satunya adalah izin kerja bagi seorang pemain non-Eropa ialah pemain tersebut merupakan pemain negara yang berada dalam 70 besar peringkat FIFA, serta telah bermain dalam 75 persen pertandingan timnas negeri itu dalam laga internasional minimal dua tahun.

Itulah masalahnya. Pada pengumuman Oktober 2019, Indonesia hanya menempati peringkat 171 FIFA, terpaut jauh dengan Inggris yang berada di peringkat 4 dunia.

Di Inggris memang ada peraturan larangan bagi klub merekrut pemain dari negara yang peringkat FIFA-nya jauh dari Inggris. "Dia bilang Bagus punya kemampuan yang kalau misalnya dia bukan dari Indonesia, sudah pasti direkrut Arsenal waktu itu," kata Mirwan Suwarso, perwakilan dari Mola TV.

Menurut Mirwan, setelah pensiun, Mertesacker menjabat sebagai pelatih Akademi Arsenal. Tim U-16 Arsenal sempat menjadi salah satu lawan uji coba Garuda Select, yang ketika itu diisi sebagian besar punggawa eks timnas U-16 Indonesia.

Garuda Select kalah dengan skor telak 2-7, tapi penampilan Bagus ternyata menarik perhatian Mertesacker. Mirwan Suwarso yang sempat bertemu Mertesacker seusai pertandingan.

Mertesacker mendatangi Mirwan dan Denise Wise, mantan gelandang timnas Inggris dan Chelsea yang kini jadi Direktur Teknik Garuda Select. Mertesacker datang untuk memuji Bagus sambil menanyakan nama sang pemain. "(Mertesacker) mendatangi Denise dan dikenalin ke saya, dia bilang 'your forward is very good (penyerang kalian sangat bagus)," ucap Mirwan menirukan ucapan Mertesacker.

Mertesacker bertanya namanya siapa, Mirwan menjawab, “Oh, namanya 'Good' (baca: Bagus)." lanjut Mirwan. Mertesacker sempat mengatakan pihaknya sebenarnya tertarik merekrut Bagus. Sayang, remaja yang kini menginjak 17 tahun itu berasal dari Indonesia yang peringkat FIFA masih di atas 70.

Ini menjadi pelajaran dan momentum bagi PSSI untuk memperbaiki peringkat FIFA agar tidak merugikan masa depan pemain muda Indonesia.[]




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