[ESP/ENG] Elementos Variados / Varied Elements
Fellow Hivers and sports lovers, here we are again at the beginning of this weekend, to continue sharing with you all today's routine, a routine that combines several elements of support, very easy to locate at home, all are accessible and not expensive, so we do efficient routine and also fun that provide us with many benefits to improve our physical conditions and at the same time toning several areas of our body. Dear Hivers and best of all is that you can do it in the comfort of your home and through the great platform Hive, specifically in the community of full sports and of course in the company of his friend @attom1515. To conclude I invite you to visit my blog where you will surely find the routine of your choice to continue training or to start exercising. I say goodbye until next time.
Ejercicio # 1
Iniciamos el ejercicio de pie, las piernas ligeramente separadas, sobre el cuello utilizaremos un palo de madera sujetando los extremos del palo con los brazos totalmente extendidos, luego inclinamos el torso hacia adelante, seguidamente giramos el torso hacia la derecha tratando de que el brazo derecho quede apuntando hacia arriba lo más posible, regresamos a la posición inicial y repetimos toda la secuencia del movimiento del ejercicio con el otro lado del cuerpo. Este ejercicio lo podemos realizar en 4 series de 8 repeticiones.
Exercise # 1 We start the exercise standing, legs slightly apart, on the neck we will use a wooden stick holding the ends of the stick with arms fully extended, then we lean the torso forward, then turn the torso to the right trying to keep the right arm pointing upwards as much as possible, we return to the starting position and repeat the whole sequence of the exercise movement with the other side of the body. This exercise can be performed in 4 series of 8 repetitions.
Ejercicio # 2:
comenzamos el ejercicio utilizando como apoyo un elemento conocido como el Hula-Hula, iniciamos con el cuerpo de pie, sujetando el Hula-Hula con las manos por el extremo superior, luego colocamos el pie derecho totalmente extendido y ligeramente suspendido sobre el Hula-Hula, seguidamente flexionamos el pie derecho, llevando la rodilla a la altura del pecho, una vez que tengamos la rodilla en el pecho volvemos a extender la pierna, ya extendida la pierna, desplazamos la pierna hacia el lado derecho lo más posible, sosteniendo el Hula-Hula de la parte superior con solo la mano derecha, por ultimo regresamos la pierna a la posición inicial y volvemos a repetir toda la secuencia del movimiento. Este ejercicio lo podemos realizar en 3 series de 8 repeticiones.
Exercise # 2: We begin the exercise using as support an element known as the Hula-Hula, we start with the body standing, holding the Hula-Hula with the hands by the upper end, then we place the right foot fully extended and slightly suspended on the Hula-Hula, then we flex the right foot, bringing the knee to chest height, Once we have the knee in the chest, we extend the leg again, once the leg is extended, we move the leg to the right side as much as possible, holding the Hula-Hula of the upper part with only the right hand, finally we return the leg to the initial position and repeat the whole sequence of the movement. This exercise can be performed in 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
Ejercicio # 3:
En este tercer ejercicio utilizaremos como apoyo un elemento muy popular y versátil en las rutinas caseras de entrenamiento, se trata de una llanta. con ese elemento iniciamos el ejercicio con el cuerpo boca arriba, apoyando la espalda del suelo, las piernas flexionadas y los brazos extendidos sobre la cabeza, sujetando la llanta que estará colocada en la parte superior de nuestra cabeza, luego impulsamos la llanta con nuestros brazos hacia arriba, mantenemos los brazos totalmente extendidos, seguidamente desplazamos nuestra pierna derecha extendida hasta tocar con la punta de los dedos del pie la llanta, una vez hayamos tocado la llanta con la punta del pie derecho lo regresamos a la posición anterior, igualmente regresamos la llanta a la posición inicial, de esta manera repetimos la secuencia del movimiento referente al ejercicio con la otra pierna, de esta manera alternamos las piernas en el movimiento del ejercicio. Este ejercicio lo podemos realizar en series de 8 repeticiones.
Exercise # 3: In this third exercise we will use as support a very popular and versatile element in home training routines, it is a tire. With this element we start the exercise with the body face up, supporting the back of the floor, legs bent and arms extended over the head, holding the tire that will be placed on top of our head, then we push the tire with our arms up, keeping our arms fully extended, Then we move our right leg extended until we touch the tire with the tip of the toes, once we have touched the tire with the tip of the right foot we return it to the previous position, we also return the tire to the initial position, in this way we repeat the sequence of the movement referring to the exercise with the other leg, in this way we alternate the legs in the movement of the exercise. This exercise can be performed in sets of 8 repetitions.
NOTE: It is important to keep the body hydrated preferably using water, also rest between each repetition and maintain proper breathing when performing the exercises.
Imágenes editadas en: Canva
fotos tomadas cpn mi redmi 10
con la ayuda de Yenys Guevara
Images edited in: Canva
pictures taken cpn my redmi 10
with the help of Yenys Guevara