Dear readers, this time we will address a topic related to sports, although it is not a usual content on our blog I want to leave our opinion about the attitude that an athlete should have in any discipline; the concern about this issue arises because our little son is practicing basketball and it is important that from a very young age he begins to cultivate certain attitudes that will allow him to develop in this discipline in an integral way, because a great athlete from our point of view not only stands out for his skills but also for the ability to always stay motivated and positive in any circumstance.
As an example of this, we can cite the Venezuelan pitcher Silvino Bracho who is a great pitcher and had the misfortune to receive a home run with four men on bases against the United States, such a situation could change the attitude of any pitcher since, I mark the outcome of that game where the United States won. Despite this, the pitcher has maintained a positive attitude trusting that he gave his best on the pitch and that one must learn to win and lose like great athletes and professionals.
In this same vein, when we refer to having an attitude in sports, we emphasize willingness, desire, discipline and the desire to want to achieve something; which translates into an athlete who is always attentive, committed, always striving and working to achieve individual and group goals depending on the discipline he practices.
In the case of basketball as a player of this discipline, I consider that maintaining a proactive attitude depends on several elements that must be socialized from a very young age in the different sports clubs so that in the future we will have great athletes, but above all great people who are able to remain firm and positive in any circumstance. Mentioned below are some of the elements that we consider to be of importance for training an athlete's attitude.
- The motivation. when an athlete sets goals the desire drives them to achieve them and stays constantly motivated, coaches when they know the desire of their athletes can become that person who keeps the athlete motivated at all times always thinking in the case of basketball to achieve not only individual but also collective goals.
- To have self-confidence. for an athlete to have confidence in himself we consider that he must work hard, by that we mean to maintain a constant training, when they enter until satiety the fear is lost inside the court and the trust of the teammates is also gained, by showing himself confident at all times focusing on his strengths and not on the flaws that may be had inside the game.
- Maintain a good relationship in the team. when playing collectively as is the case with basketball, respect must be maintained for teammates and coaches, they are the people with whom we share every day and therefore, for there to be a good interaction between the team members there must be an atmosphere of cordiality, camaraderie, that will undoubtedly allow the game to flow much better and collectively,
- Accept constructive criticism and learn new things. it is necessary that the players have the ability to accept their weaknesses in some skills of the game, when internalizing it it should not be a problem for the coach or team mates to indicate in which aspects they are failing and how to correct them, this should be taken as an opportunity to properly learn some move or skill.
Dear readers, we must differentiate between the aptitude and attitude of a basketball player, since the first could be due to the lack or skill that a player with a certain ability has, but the attitude is what the same player will have after having made a mistake and his intention to correct said mistake without giving up on what he wants to achieve. For example, in a basketball game a player may lose the ball on some play, but instead of complaining about the loss, his attitude is to follow his opponent to defend and recover the ball.
Recommended article: Attitudes of an athlete vs aptitudes of an athlete

Thank you for reading our article, until the next post.