[Eng/Esp] With much love for myself, for being the woman I always wanted to be.

English Version

Welcome to my Blog

Greetings my people from #Hive it is gratifying for me to be able to write on this platform, even more so using each space of the various communities that coexist in this great ecosystem and where personal growth and the development of new skills are key pieces that are linked to the perseverance, optimism and dedication of each of the fish that we make life in this immense chain of blocks. This is my first post with the #LadiesOfHive community, and my greatest motivation for writing has been the fact that as a woman I have been able to overcome great adversity and deserve great recognition from myself, because nowadays more than I can never appreciate and thank God for all the capacities that he has endowed me with and for everything that I have reinvented myself along this traveled path called life, where I have been my own protagonist and where my greatest strength is my love By myself.


The first time I picked up a soccer ball and started kicking it, I was branded as a "macho" girl, why, for other people, does a girl or a young lady who plays soccer or any other sport have anything to do with not wanting to be a lady? I don't know what this silly stigma is about girls not being able to do sports because it separates us from our sex, nor has it been that I've taken it seriously as a limitation, and I think that was one of the reasons why I've always I have been a rebellious girl and I have rebelled against the system many times. But of course, I also like to put on makeup and wear conservative dresses, because I love being a lady and I thank God for allowing me to carry this beautiful body full of beauty, as well as many imperfections that make me unique and differentiate me from any other girl. . A woman who loves sports and who values ​​herself.


Being a mother and also a wife have not stopped me along the way and I still keep the ball rolling, but from another perspective, because being young and independent is one thing and being a mother and having responsibilities is quite another. Each stage in life is a new level full of challenges to overcome and be able to burn those stages that are of great importance, because they are the ones that shape our character and our personality. I share with my family and friends in the sports fields and stadiums, because it is a way of living and of keeping in mind the people who are part of my life. The best thing is knowing that you can positively influence each member of your family, and of course, as a mother, I would also like my son to practice some sport and develop his competitive talents.



In another of my many skills, I developed a love for cooking and preparing desserts and dishes to pamper my loved ones. The truth is, I wasn't good at cooking, and this happened at a time in my life when the economic situation became suffocating as a result of the covid-19 pandemic and I had to make desserts and cakes to sell on orders. At that time I was pregnant with my son Santiago and I had to learn this and other trades like the elaboration of artisanal tobacco and the preparation of traditional Creole confectionery, to contribute to the family economy and to be able to attend medical consultations and check-ups of my son Santiago still in gestation stage. My son has also been my greatest strength and with the support of my husband I have conquered spaces where I never thought I could enter and do it in an excellent way, the love linked to that feeling of need makes us get the best version of ourselves and today One day I can say that I am an enterprising woman.



The art of learning and teaching must always go hand in hand, if we need to learn it is because we need to demonstrate and in this way we teach our abilities and make it clear what we are made of, likewise a person who is willing to teach must be a mind open to understand that each teaching given can also leave you with new knowledge from other people, and that is how I describe #Hive for myself. #Hive has been a great teacher for me, #Hive is the art of learning and teaching in all its essence. Hive came into my life and has been maintained during a year in which I have been a mother and also in which my family and I had been left without a home. So, hive opened the doors for me to develop my creative talent and I am currently an artisan, a large part of my work is commercialized and I generate my own income, I paint pictures and also decorate and this work has allowed me and my family to settle in a place that although it is leased, it is a safe roof that we pay monthly thanks to what is learned here and we can also teach other people how to do it. Enough reason to love me much more and also to love this chain of blocks.



I have hit rock bottom a few times, and I have hit it when I have stayed in my comfort zone thinking that everything was fine and that I did not need anything else, I have reached the bottom when I have settled for little being able to get more and better results, I have hit rock bottom when I have run out of options and without the desire to improve myself, I have hit bottom all of them when I think I have no future. And then it is necessary to hit bottom, because when you get to the bottom, you must find yourself the ladder that drives you and motivates you to ascend. When this happens to you, check and search within yourself, you may have lodged in you many hidden abilities that you can develop, only you have to discover them and when you do something, do it from the heart, time is short, but you have a lifetime to find yourself, know what you are made of and love yourself for who you are.



"Be positive, experiment and take advantage of all the resources that are in my environment, multiply and triple the effort to obtain greater results, be persevering, consistent, participatory, be unique, leave a mark in each step I take and not give up, love myself and be my own source of motivation" that's how I am, a war woman, who has also gradually built her multifaceted spirit.


Translated by: google translator

All photos are my property

Text separator made in canva


Versión Español

Bienvenidos a mi Blog

Con mucho amor para mi misma, por ser la mujer que siempre quise ser.

Saludos mi gente de #Hive es para mi gratificante poder escribir en esta plataforma, más aún utilizando cada espacio de las diversas comunidades que coexisten en este gran ecosistema y donde el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades son piezas claves que van ligadas a la perseverancia, el optimismo y la dedicación de cada uno de los peces que hacemos vida en esta inmensa cadena de bloques. Este es mi primer post con el incursionó en la comunidad #LadiesOfHive, y mi mayor motivación para escribir ha sido el hecho de que como mujer he podido superar grandes adversidades y merezco un gran reconocimiento por parte de mi misma, porque hoy en día más que nunca puedo apreciar y agradecer a Dios por todas las capacidades de las que me ha dotado y por todo lo que me he reinventado a largo de este camino transitado llamado vida, en donde yo he sido mi propia protagonista y donde mi mayor fortaleza es mi amor por mi misma.


La primera vez que tomé una pelota de fútbol y comencé a patearla fui tildada de niña "macho", ¿por qué, para otras personas una niña o una joven dama que juegue al fútbol o a cualquier otro deporte tenga alguna relación con no querer ser una dama? No se en que consiste ese estigma tonto de que las chicas no podemos hacer deportes porque nos desliga de nuestro sexo, tampoco ha sido que lo haya tomado en serio como una limitante, y pienso que esa fue una de las razones por la que siempre he sido una chica rebelde y me he rebelado muchas veces ante el sistema. Pero claro, también me gusta maquillarme y llevar vestidos conservadores, porque yo amo ser una dama y agradezco a Dios por permitirme portar este hermoso cuerpo lleno de muchísima belleza, así como también de muchísimas imperfecciones que me hacen única y me diferencia de cualquier otra chica. Una mujer que ama los deportes y que se valoriza.


Ser mamá y también esposa no me han detenido en el camino y aún continúo rodando la pelota, pero desde otra perspectiva, porque una cosa es ser joven e independiente y otra muy diferente es ser madre y tener responsabilidades. Cada etapa en la vida es un nuevo nivel lleno de desafíos para superarlos y poder quemar esas etapas que son de muchísima importancia, porque son las formadoras de nuestro carácter y de nuestra personalidad. Comparto con mi familia y amigos en los campos y estadios deportivos, porque es una manera de vivir y de tener presente a los personas que forman parte de mi vida. Lo mejor, es saber que puedes influenciar de manera positiva a cada uno de los integrantes de tu familia, y por supuesto que como madre también me gustaría que mi hijo practicara algún deporte y desarrollara sus talentos competitivos.



En otra de mis tantas aptitudes, desarrolle el amor por la cocina y la preparación de postres y platillos para consentir a mis seres amados. La verdad, no se me daba bien cocinar, y esto ocurrió en una etapa de mi vida cuando la situación económica comenzó a ser asfixiante producto de la pandemia covid-19 y tuve que realizar postres y pastel para vender por encargos. En ese momento yo estaba embarazada de mi hijo Santiago y me tocó aprender abrutamente este y otros oficios como la elaboración de tabacos artesanales y la preparación de dulcería criolla tradicional, para aportar a la economía familia y poder asistir a las consultas médicas y chequeos de mi hijo Santiago aún en etapa de gestación. Mi hijo ha sido también mi mayor fortaleza y con el apoyo de mi esposo he conquistado espacios donde jamás pensé que podía incursionar y hacerlo de forma excelente, el amor ligado a esa sensación de necesidad hace que saquemos la mejor versión de nosotros mismo y hoy en día puedo decir que soy una mujer emprendedora.



El arte de aprender y de enseñar siempre deben ir de la mano, si necesitamos aprender es porque necesitamos demostrar y de esa manera enseñamos nuestras capacidades y damos a entender de qué estamos hechos, así mismo una persona que este dispuesta a enseñar debe ser una mente abierta para comprender de que cada enseñanza impartida también te puede dejar nuevos conocimientos de otras personas, y así de esa forma describo para mi a #Hive. #Hive ha sido para mi un gran maestro, #Hive es el arte de aprender y de enseñar en toda su esencia. Hive llegó a mi vida y se a mantenido durante un año en el que he sido madre y también en el que mi familia y yo nos habíamos quedado sin un hogar. Entonces, hive me abrió las puertas para desarrollar mi talento creativo y actualmente soy artesana, gran parte de mi trabajo lo comercializo y genero mis propias ganancias, pinto cuadros y también decoro y este trabajo me ha permitido establecernos a mi familia y a mi en un lugar que aunque es arrendado, es un techo seguro que pagamos mensualmente gracias a lo que aquí se aprende y también le podemos enseñar a otras personas como realizarlo. Motivo suficiente para amarme mucho más y también para amar a esta cadena de bloques.



Yo he tocado el fondo unas cuantas veces, y lo he tocado cuando me he quedado en mi zona de confort por pensar que estaba todo bien y que no necesitaba nada más, he llegado hasta al fondo cuando me he conformado con poco podiendo obtener más y mejores resultados, he tocado el fondo cuando me he quedado sin opciones y sin ganas de superarme, he tocado el fondo todos cuando pienso que no tengo futuro. Y pues es necesario tocar fondo, porque cuando llegas abajo, debes buscar tu mismo la escalera que te impulse y te motive a ascender. Cuando te ocurra esto, revisa y busca en tu interior, tu puedes tener alojado en ti muchas capacidades ocultas que puedes desarrollar, solo que te toca descubrirlas y cuando hagas algo, hazlo de corazón, el tiempo es corto, pero tienes toda una vida para encontrarte contigo mismo, saber de qué estás hecho y amarte por lo que eres.



"Ser positiva, experimentar y aprovechar todos los recursos que se encuentren en mi entorno, multiplicar y triplicar el esfuerzo para obtener mayores resultados, ser perseverante, consistente, participativa, ser única, dejar una huella en cada paso que doy y no rendirme, amarme y ser mi propia fuente de motivación" así soy yo, una mujer guerra, que también ha construido de a poco su talante multifaceta.


Traducido por: google traductor.

Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad.

Separador del texto hecho en canva


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


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Hello @aksurevm89
Welcome to Ladies of Hive.
Ladies of Hive is here for you.
This is where we can exchange ideas and be inspired by the stories of others.
Perhaps we have the knowledge to share or perhaps we need to learn from others.
No matter what it is ... do it on Ladies of Hive.
You are not here just for yourself.
We are here for each other.
Meet other women in the community!
Get others involved!
Support each other!
Thanks for sharing.
Take care.


Hello @Aksurev, it's nice reading you :) It is awesome that you learned different trades during the pandemic and are doing great at them. Your artworks are fascinating, they're beautiful!


I love the spirit in which you go after what is needed and conquer and achieve it! You will go far in life! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day. !LADY



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