Jake Paul continues to annoy the world, but I'm here for it.


People want Jake to fight a 'real boxer' as if Mike Perry is some scrub. I wonder, if Jake were to fight and beat a 'real boxer' would all these doubters all of a sudden respect Jake Paul? Who is a 'real boxer' what name would qualify? I have a feeling they'd drum up another excuse to minimize his accomplishment.

Congrats to Jake on his TKO victory over Mike Perry. Jake was not THAT much bigger than Perry. Perry also frequently has fought up weight classes with success. Mike Perry is far from washed as well.

Many people once again thought Jake was gonna lose.



What motivates someone? Other than money, food, needs etc.

Acceptance? Respect? Probably. Has Jake Paul ever gotten that. Probably not.

We are currently living in both the most populous time in earth's history and the most unique time, and by most unique I simply mean the internet quite frankly.

Every minute of everyday is sort of recorded and saved and whatever.

Sure, putting yourself out there is really a choice, but still. It's really not that simple in my opinion.

Whether we like it or not, Jake Paul is factually rare. He's not alone, there are many internet celebrities, and famous people have always existed and will always exist but, as of this moment, Jake Paul is rare.

Arguably, Jake's human experience is so unique that I wonder if he maybe has the most motivation a man has ever had? I do ask that question to be a bit funny, but still I wonder if there's some truth there. What happens to someone's brain with this type of pressure? Perhaps like defending your family or country, maybe that provides more motivation.

It's unlikely this motivation will lead Jake to become some sort of like, true traditional champion, but the man is beating some really good athletes. I'm impressed.

In a world where being masculine is much of the time frowned upon, you also hear sentiments like this:


I can't even articulate exactly what I mean by this but I'll try. Every move Jake made, and every mistake he made for many years, people would call him lame, cringe, soft etc. Not by like, a hometown or village or even country, but literally the globe.

Every move Jake has made, pretty much ever, has been ridiculed and hated by millions. Instantly. There's no delay for like, literally any move the man makes. How many people have ever lived a life like that, ever? Especially as young as he was.

The Paul bros did grow up as athletes. Is anyone really shocked Paul took this route and is actually having a level of success? I'm not. I was when he fought Askren and Woodley, but I've seen results and my mind changed. WOW, amazing how that works, aye? In a way, Paul is defending himself and his family's name.

Jake's not a saint. He definitely invites and perhaps even encourages some of the hate. I don't know, I don't follow the man like that whatsoever.

People seem to forget the dude is still 27. He's no young buck anymore, but a lot of his crazier shenanigans occurred when the dude was SUPER young. People really used to treat this man like he was supposed to be perfect or unflawed. The guy was a teenager.

Jake's been told he can't do a lot of things but, whatever he's doing is working.

I hope Jake continues to win and frustrate everyone. I love the mental gymnastics people must do to delegitimize any win the guy gets.

Sooooooo many people say that Jake couldn't win against practically every one of his opponents. Then the man wins and the goal posts get moved....

giVe hIM uh REaL bOXer THOgh!!!


Mike Perry was not a typical boxer. But the guy was a decent MMA fighter KNOWN for good striking, turned excellent bare knuckle boxer. They boxed with regular gloves I get that, but still.

I really doubt Jake would get run over by a pro at this point, even if he did get run over, that wouldn't really change much. Jakes wins will forever be on his record.

Maybe the hate for Jake is not as strong as I think it is in the general public. Jake will always have haters, it's not like there's anything he can do for people to ALL be satisfied.

People all have expectations, and people all have preconceived notions based on titles and statuses. Degrees and certifications.


In reality, this whole world is a ponzi scheme. People put Jake into 'cringey immature YouTube guy'. Him succeeding at sports breaks a lot of people's brains.

The world will never be satisfied with Jake's accomplishments, that in turn seems to give Jake infinite fuel.



if Jake were to fight and beat a 'real boxer' would all these doubters all of a sudden respect Jake Paul?

Short answer: yes. But I seriously doubt this will ever happen because Jake is really enjoying this cash cow and if he got in there and got completely outclassed the whole thing is over. Right now I'll give credit where credit is due but I also think that there is some shady stuff going on with these fights. You saw it... there's no way there was only a 5 lb difference between those two guys. Perry is tough for sure, but has dude ever trained in boxing with his hands down the entire fight unless he is scrambling to stay upright.

what is a "real" boxer

Anyone is Jake's weight class that is in the world top 50. I'm sure any of them would be happy to take a fight with him... But you have to admit the fact that Jake never even mentions any of them is a bit fishy.


Well, Jake did fight a boxer, and lost in Tommy Fury. It was a typical loss, and well, it is what it is. He still has fights. Since then, Jake has fought a lot of high caliber athletes. I disagree, I thought Mike looked pretty comparable in size especially since Jake was preparing for a heavyweight bout.

You say yes but you also believe it to be possibly rigged, so if Jake were to defeat a real boxer it would instantly be rigged to many.... Perry has always fought this way.


I can't really take the sport seriously but I'll admit that they do a great job of getting me interested enough to watch the events. so they are doing their job correctly!


I see where you're coming from, just a circus/entertainment at times, I got my popcorn!


Jake has also said many times he's willing to fight Nate Diaz in MMA.
