Persiraja Banda Aceh akan Menjamu Bhayangkara FC di Stadion Harapan Bangsa



Tuan rumah Persiraja Banda Aceh nanti malam akan melakoni laga perdana dalam Liga 1 musim 2020. Tim yang baru promosi ini akan menghadapi Bhayangkara Fc di Stadion Harapan Bangsa

Tim lantak laju julukan Persiraja banda aceh akan diuntungkan karena bermain di depan ribuan pendukungnya. Publik Aceh sendiri sudah sangat menunggu-nunggu permainan Bruno Dybal dan kawan-kawan.

Hendri Susilo yang masih dipercaya sebagai pelatih kepala Perdiraja mengatakan tidak memiliki strategi khusus menghadapi klub milik kepolisian itu. Baginya Bhayangkara sama dengan tim-tim lain di Liga 1. Dia berharapa para pemain Persiraja bisa memberikan permain terbaik supaya dapat meraih hasil maksimal nanti malam

Selain itu Pelatih Bhayangkara Paul Munster mengaku tidak menganggap remeh satu pun tim yang bermain di Liga 1. Baginya tim yang sudah bermain di kompetisi sepak bola tertinggi di Indonesia ini merupakan tim bagus dan sudah siap untuk berkompetisi.


The host of Persiraja Banda Aceh tonight will play inaugural match in League 1 season 2020. The newly promoted team will face Bhayangkara Fc at Harapan Bangsa Stadium

The team will continue to benefit from playing in front of thousands of supporters. The Acehnese public themselves have been waiting for the game Bruno Dybal and friends.

Hendri Susilo, who is still trusted as Perdiraja's head coach, said he did not have a specific strategy to deal with the police club. For him Bhayangkara is the same as the other teams in League 1. He hopes that the Persiraja players can give the best game so they can achieve maximum results tonight

In addition, Bhayangkara coach Paul Munster claimed not to underestimate any team playing in League 1. For him, the team that had played in the highest soccer competition in Indonesia was a good team and was ready to compete.


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