Hariono, sang Legenda Itu Akhirnya Pergi Juga


Good night all. Rousing. Maybe that jata that exactly describes how the Persib Bandung Management released one of their legends Hariono

The celebration of the release of Hariono also dismissed the idea that management did not appreciate the legends of their clubs. Even if at the other time Hariono goes back to Persib, it will be received well

It is known that Hariono first joined Persib starting the 2008 season. Hariono came in to Persib Bandung thanks to Jaya Hartono who was then a coach. Together with Hariono, the train arrived in Deltras Sidoarjo, such as Airlangga Sucipto, Hilton Moreira, and Waluyo.

At Persib Bandung Only Harioni and Supardi remained from the 2014 Persib championship squad. Hariono only managed to score two goals while defending Persib and that too through the white point

Hariono's manager reported that there were already several clubs in both League 1 and Liga 2 waiting for Hariono's signature. We'll see where the legend will take place next.


Selamat malam semua. Meriah. Mungkin itu jata yang tepat menggambarkan bagaiman Manajemen Persib Bandung melepas salah satu legenda mereka Hariono

Perayaan pelepasan Hariono juga menepis anggaoan selama ini bahwa manajemen tidak menghargai legenda klub mereka. Kalaupun dilain waktu Hariono balek ke Persib maka akan diterima dengan lapang baik

Diketahui bahwa Hariono pertama sekali bergabung dengan Persib mulai musim 2008. Hariono datang dalam ke Persib Bandung berkat Jaya Hartono yang saat itu sebagai pelatih. Bersama Hariono tirut datang gerbong Deltras Sidoarjo seperti Airlangga Sucipto, Hilton Moreira, dan Waluyo.

Di persib Bandung Hanya Harioni dan Supardi masih tersisa dari skuad juara Persib tahun 2014. Hariono hanya berhasil mencetak dua gol selama membela Persib dan itupun melalui titik putih

Manajer Hariono mengabarkan bahwa sudah ada beberapa klub baik Liga 1 maupun Liga2 yang menanti tanda tangan Hariono. Kita lihat saja kemana sang legenda akan berkiprah selanjutnya.
