Emre Can akan Berlabuh di Bundesliga

Gelandang Juventus Emre Can selangkah lagi akan bergabung dengan klub bumdesliga Borussia Dortmund . Dortmund sedang melakukan komunikasi insten untuk merebut tanda tangan chan mengingat Bursa transfer Januari 2020 hanya tersisa dua hari lagi

secara pribadi kabarnya Emre can sudah setuju ke Borussia Dortmund dengan durasi kontrak selama empat tahun.

Di Juventus Emre Can kesulitan dalam berdaptasi dengan permain Juventus dibawah asuhan pelatih Juve Maurizio Sarri. Nama Emre can tidak termasuk dalam skuad Juventus di liga Champions

Mantan pemain Liverpool tersebut baru tampil dalam delapan laga Serie A Liga Italia. Ia belum pernah turun di kompetisi lain, semisal Coppa Italia.


Juventus midfielder Emre Can will be one step away from joining the bumdesliga club Borussia Dortmund. Dortmund is in an instinct communication to seize Chan's signature considering that the January 2020 transfer market has only two days left

personally reportedly Emre can have agreed to Borussia Dortmund with a contract duration of four years.

At Juventus Emre Can had difficulty in adapting to the game of Juventus under the tutelage of Juve coach Maurizio Sarri. The name Emre can not be included in the Juventus squad in the Champions league

The former Liverpool player has only appeared in eight Italian Serie A matches. He has never played in other competitions, such as the Coppa Italia.
